From openSIPS

Documentation: Core Statistics - ver 1.7

Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 1.7 -> Core Statistics

Pages for other versions: devel 3.5 3.4 Older versions: 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4

Core Statistics v1.7

Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. "CORE" Class
    1. 1.1 rcv_requests
    2. 1.2 rcv_replies
    3. 1.3 fwd_requests
    4. 1.4 fwd_replies
    5. 1.5 drop_requests
    6. 1.6 drop_replies
    7. 1.7 err_requests
    8. 1.8 err_replies
    9. 1.9 bad_URIs_rcvd
    10. 1.10 unsupported_methods
    11. 1.11 bad_msg_hdr
    12. 1.12 timestamp
  2. 2. "LOAD" class
    1. 2.1 tcp-load
    2. 2.2 udp:int_ip:int_port-load
  3. 3. "NET" Class
    1. 3.1 waiting_udp
    2. 3.2 waiting_tcp
    3. 3.3 waiting_tls
  4. 4. "SHMEM" Class
    1. 4.1 total_size
    2. 4.2 used_size
    3. 4.3 real_used_size
    4. 4.4 max_used_size
    5. 4.5 free_size
    6. 4.6 fragments

Statistics which are exported by the OpenSIPS core.

1.  "CORE" Class

1.1 rcv_requests

Returns the total number of received requests by OpenSIPS.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics rcv_requests

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of received requests = $stat(rcv_requests) \n");

1.2 rcv_replies

Returns the total number of received replies by OpenSIPS.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics rcv_replies

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of received replies = $stat(rcv_replies) \n");

1.3 fwd_requests

Returns the number of stateless forwarded requests by OpenSIPS.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics fwd_requests

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of forwarded requests = $stat(fwd_requests) \n");

1.4 fwd_replies

Returns the number of stateless forwarded replies by OpenSIPS.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics fwd_replies

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of forwarded replies = $stat(fwd_replies) \n");

1.5 drop_requests

Returns the number of requests dropped even before entering the script routing logic.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics drop_requests

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of dropped requests = $stat(drop_requests) \n");

1.6 drop_replies

Returns the number of replies dropped even before entering the script routing logic, or explicitly dropped in the onreply_route.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics drop_replies

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of dropped replies = $stat(drop_replies) \n");

1.7 err_requests

Returns the number of bogus requests from SIP point of view ( eg. : No VIA header found )

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics err_requests

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of error requests = $stat(err_requests) \n");

1.8 err_replies

Returns the number of bogus replies from SIP point of view ( eg. : No VIA header found )

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics err_replies

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of error replies = $stat(err_replies) \n");

1.9 bad_URIs_rcvd

Returns the number of URIs that OpenSIPS failed to parse.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics bad_URIs_rcvd

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of bad URIs detected = $stat(bad_URIs_rcvd) \n");

1.10 unsupported_methods

Returns the number of non-standard methods encountered by OpenSIPS while parsing SIP methods.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics unsupported_methods

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of unsupported methods detected = $stat(unsupported_methods) \n");

1.11 bad_msg_hdr

Returns the number of SIP headers that OpenSIPS failed to parse.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics bad_msg_hdr

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total number of headers that failed to parse = $stat(bad_msg_hdr) \n");

1.12 timestamp

Returns the number of seconds elapsed from OpenSIPS starting.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics timestamp

Example of usage from script

xlog("OpenSIPS has been alive for $stat(timestamp) seconds \n");

2.  "LOAD" class

Statistics giving information on OpenSIPS load (busy children).

2.1 tcp-load

Returns the percentage of TCP children that are awake and processing SIP messages.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics tcp-load

Example of usage from script

xlog("The TCP load is $stat(tcp-load) \n");

2.2 udp:int_ip:int_port-load

Returns the percentage of UDP children that are awake and processing SIP messages on the specific UDP interface

Example of usage through MI FIFO:

If OpenSIPS has two listen directives :

Then there will be two exported statistics, udp: and udp:, and each 
will show the percentage of working children on the respective interfaces.

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics udp:

Example of usage from script

xlog("The UDP load on is $stat(udp: \n");

3.  "NET" Class

Statistics giving information about UDP, TCP and TLS buffers on interfaces that OpenSIPS is listening on.

3.1 waiting_udp

Returns the number of bytes waiting to be consumed on UDP interfaces that OpenSIPS is listening on.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics waiting_udp

Example of usage from script

xlog("The UDP waiting buffer size is $stat(waiting_udp) \n");

3.2 waiting_tcp

Returns the number of bytes waiting to be consumed on TCP interfaces that OpenSIPS is listening on.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics waiting_tcp

Example of usage from script

xlog("The TCP waiting buffer size is $stat(waiting_tcp) \n");

3.3 waiting_tls

Returns the number of bytes waiting to be consumed on TLS interfaces that OpenSIPS is listening on.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics waiting_tls

Example of usage from script

xlog("The TLS waiting buffer size is $stat(waiting_tls) \n");

4.  "SHMEM" Class

Statistics giving information on the shared memory that OpenSIPS is using.

4.1 total_size

Returns the total size of shared memory available to OpenSIPS processes.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics total_size

Example of usage from script

xlog("Total size of SHMEM available is $stat(total_size) \n");

4.2 used_size

Returns the amount of shared memory requested and used by OpenSIPS processes.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics used_size

Example of usage from script

xlog("SHMEM in use = $stat(used_size) \n");

4.3 real_used_size

Returns the amount of shared memory requested by OpenSIPS processes + malloc overhead

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics real_used_size

Example of usage from script

xlog("Real SHMEM used size is $stat(real_used_size) \n");

4.4 max_used_size

Returns the maximum amount of shared memory ever used by OpenSIPS processes.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics max_used_size

Example of usage from script

xlog("The max SHMEM ever used is $stat(max_used_size) \n");

4.5 free_size

Returns the free memory available. Computed as total_size - real_used_size

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics free_size

Example of usage from script

xlog("Free SHMEM available is $stat(free_size) \n");

4.6 fragments

Returns the total number of fragments in the shared memory.

Example of usage through MI FIFO

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics fragments

Example of usage from script

xlog("The total number of SHMEM fragments is $stat(fragments) \n");

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Page last modified on August 05, 2013, at 04:31 PM