Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 3.5 -> Core Events
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Events are exported by the OpenSIPS core through the Event Interface.
1. Threshold limit exceeded 🔗
This event is triggered when a particular action takes longer than a specific threshold. It can be raised when a MySQL or DNS query takes too long, or a SIP message processing goes beyond a specific limit. For more information please see this post.
- source: the source of the event: mysql module, core (for DNS or message processing warnings).
- time: the amount of time (in microseconds) spent by the operation
- extra: extra information, depending on the source of the event
2. Private memory threshold exceeded 🔗
This event is triggered when the private memory usage goes above a threshold limit, specified by the event_pkg_threshold the core parameter. It warns external applications about low values of free private memory.
- usage: the percentage of private memory usage. Can have values between event_pkg_threshold and 100.
- threshold: the event_pkg_threshold specified in the script.
- used: the amount of private memory used.
- size: the total amount of private memory.
- pid: the pid of the process that raises the event.
Note: If the event_pkg_threshold is not specified or 0, then this event is disabled.
3. Shared memory threshold exceeded 🔗
This event is triggered when the shared memory usage goes above a threshold limit, specified by the event_shm_threshold the core parameter. It warns external applications about low values of free shared memory.
- usage: the percentage of private memory usage. Can have values between event_shm_threshold and 100.
- threshold: the event_shm_threshold specified in the script.
- used: the amount of private memory used.
- size: the total amount of private memory.
Note: If the event_shm_threshold is not specified or 0, then this event is disabled.
4. Process Auto-Scaling (upscale and downscale) 🔗
This event is triggered whenever a new process is created (forked) or a process is terminated due the auto-scaling logic. In order to have this event trigger, the auto-scaling must be enabled in your configuration.
- group_type: the type/name of the scaling group (UDP/TCP/TIMER).
- group_filter: the filter (usually the socket/interface for UDP) of the scaling group.
- group_load: the load over the scaling group.
- scale: "up" or "down"
- process_id: the process ID (at OpenSIPS level) of the scaled (up or down) process.
- pid: the PID (OS level) of the scaled (up or down) process.
5. TCP connection disconnected 🔗
This event is triggered when a TCP connection is terminated/disconnected.
- src_ip: the source IP of the TCP connection
- src_port: the source PORT of the TCP connection
- dst_ip: the destination IP of the TCP connection
- dst_port: the destination PORT of the TCP connection
- proto: the protocol of the underlying TCP connection ( ie. tcp, tls, ws, wss, etc )
6. Status/Report status changed 🔗
This event is triggered the status of an SR identifier changes.
- group: the name of the SR group
- identifier: the name of the SR identifier
- status: the new status (as numerical value) of the SR identifier
- details: the details/text attached to the new status
- old_status: the old status (as numerical value) of the SR identifier
7. Log message produced 🔗
This event is triggered whenever a log message is produced by OpenSIPS. In order to have this event trigger, the log_event_enabled must be enabled in your configuration.
- time: time when the log message was produced
- pid: the PID of the processes that produced this log message
- level: the log level of this message ("DBG", "INFO" etc.)
- module: module that produced this log message; NULL for logs triggered from the script by the xlog() function
- function: internal function that produced this log message; NULL for logs triggered from the script by the xlog() function
- prefix: logging prefix, configured via the log_prefix parameter. It is an empty string if the parameter is not configured.
- message: the actual log message content