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There are multiple options when it comes to downloading OpenSIPS 1.10 :
Tarballs with sources of the 1.10 release may be downloaded directly from the project web site:
Also, we have nightly builds of tar archives, which are extracted from the latest 1.10.x branch. In order to download the nightly build, go to
and download the file with the -svn[REV] suffix.
The same release files we have on the website are also hosted on the SourceForge download area - it is advisable to use it as geographical mirrors are available for a faster download:
Thanks to several maintainers, OpenSIPS packages for certain Operating System/Distributions are available. The version you are looking for may or may not be available, so please check with our repositories.
GitHUB hosts the main repository for OpenSIPS. In order to checkout the latest version of OpenSIPS 1.10 you can run :
# git clone -b 1.10 opensips_1_10