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Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 3.3 -> DB schema

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DB Schema v3.3

OpenSIPS database tables

OpenSIPS database tables

OpenSIPS Development Team

List of Tables
1-1. Table "acc"
1-2. Table "acc" indexes
1-3. Table "missed_calls"
1-4. Table "missed_calls" indexes
2-1. Table "dbaliases"
2-2. Table "dbaliases" indexes
3-1. Table "subscriber"
3-2. Table "subscriber" indexes
3-3. Table "uri"
3-4. Table "uri" indexes
4-1. Table "jwt_profiles"
4-2. Table "jwt_profiles" indexes
4-3. Table "jwt_secrets"
5-1. Table "usr_preferences"
5-2. Table "usr_preferences" indexes
6-1. Table "b2b_entities"
6-2. Table "b2b_entities" indexes
6-3. Table "b2b_logic"
6-4. Table "b2b_logic" indexes
7-1. Table "b2b_sca"
7-2. Table "b2b_sca" indexes
8-1. Table "cachedb"
8-2. Table "cachedb" indexes
9-1. Table "cc_flows"
9-2. Table "cc_flows" indexes
9-3. Table "cc_agents"
9-4. Table "cc_agents" indexes
9-5. Table "cc_cdrs"
9-6. Table "cc_calls"
9-7. Table "cc_calls" indexes
10-1. Table "carrierroute"
10-2. Table "carrierfailureroute"
10-3. Table "route_tree"
11-1. Table "closeddial"
11-2. Table "closeddial" indexes
12-1. Table "clusterer"
12-2. Table "clusterer" indexes
13-1. Table "cpl"
13-2. Table "cpl" indexes
14-1. Table "dialog"
15-1. Table "dialplan"
16-1. Table "dispatcher"
17-1. Table "domain"
17-2. Table "domain" indexes
18-1. Table "domainpolicy"
18-2. Table "domainpolicy" indexes
19-1. Table "dr_gateways"
19-2. Table "dr_gateways" indexes
19-3. Table "dr_rules"
19-4. Table "dr_carriers"
19-5. Table "dr_carriers" indexes
19-6. Table "dr_groups"
19-7. Table "dr_partitions"
20-1. Table "emergency_routing"
20-2. Table "emergency_report"
20-3. Table "emergency_service_provider"
21-1. Table "fraud_detection"
22-1. Table "freeswitch"
23-1. Table "grp"
23-2. Table "grp" indexes
23-3. Table "re_grp"
23-4. Table "re_grp" indexes
24-1. Table "imc_rooms"
24-2. Table "imc_rooms" indexes
24-3. Table "imc_members"
24-4. Table "imc_members" indexes
25-1. Table "load_balancer"
25-2. Table "load_balancer" indexes
26-1. Table "silo"
26-2. Table "silo" indexes
27-1. Table "address"
28-1. Table "presentity"
28-2. Table "presentity" indexes
28-3. Table "active_watchers"
28-4. Table "active_watchers" indexes
28-5. Table "watchers"
28-6. Table "watchers" indexes
28-7. Table "xcap"
28-8. Table "xcap" indexes
28-9. Table "pua"
28-10. Table "pua" indexes
29-1. Table "qr_profiles"
30-1. Table "rc_clients"
30-2. Table "rc_clients" indexes
30-3. Table "rc_vendors"
30-4. Table "rc_vendors" indexes
30-5. Table "rc_ratesheets"
30-6. Table "rc_ratesheets" indexes
30-7. Table "rc_demo_ratesheet"
30-8. Table "rc_demo_ratesheet" indexes
31-1. Table "registrant"
31-2. Table "registrant" indexes
32-1. Table "rls_presentity"
32-2. Table "rls_presentity" indexes
32-3. Table "rls_watchers"
32-4. Table "rls_watchers" indexes
33-1. Table "rtpengine"
34-1. Table "rtpproxy_sockets"
35-1. Table "smpp"
35-2. Table "smpp" indexes
36-1. Table "speed_dial"
36-2. Table "speed_dial" indexes
37-1. Table "version"
37-2. Table "version" indexes
38-1. Table "tcp_mgm"
39-1. Table "tls_mgm"
39-2. Table "tls_mgm" indexes
40-1. Table "sip_trace"
40-2. Table "sip_trace" indexes
41-1. Table "userblacklist"
41-2. Table "userblacklist" indexes
41-3. Table "globalblacklist"
41-4. Table "globalblacklist" indexes
42-1. Table "location"

Chapter 1. Accounting


This table is used by the ACC module to report on transactions - accounted calls. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/acc.html


This table is used by the ACC module for keeping track of missed calls. This table is similar to the 'acc' table. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/acc.html

Table 1-1. Table "acc"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

method string 16 ''no  

A method is the primary function that a request is meant to invoke on a server.

from_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

callid string 64 ''no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

sip_code string 3 ''no  

SIP reply code

sip_reason string 32 ''no  

SIP reply reason

time datetime not specified defaultno  

Date and time when this record was written.

duration unsigned int 11 0no  

Call duration (from 200OK INVITE to BYE request) in seconds - this field is populated only if CDR support is enabled in ACC module (see cdr_flag parameter)

ms_duration unsigned int 11 0no  

Call duration (from 200OK INVITE to BYE request) in milliseconds - this field is populated only if CDR support is enabled in ACC module (see cdr_flag parameter)

setuptime unsigned int 11 0no  

Call initialization duration - (from INVITE request to 200 OK INVITE) - this filed is populated only if CDR support is enabled in ACC module (see cdr_flag parameter)

created datetime not specified NULLyes  

The call creation date and time.

Table 1-2. Table "acc" indexes

callid_idx defaultcallid

Table 1-3. Table "missed_calls"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

method string 16 ''no  

A method is the primary function that a request is meant to invoke on a server.

from_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

callid string 64 ''no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

sip_code string 3 ''no  

SIP reply code

sip_reason string 32 ''no  

SIP reply reason

time datetime not specified defaultno  

Date and time when this record was written.

setuptime unsigned int 11 0no  

Call initialization duration - (from INVITE request to reply) - this filed is populated only if CDR support is enabled in ACC module (see cdr_flag parameter)

created datetime not specified NULLyes  

The call creation date and time.

Table 1-4. Table "missed_calls" indexes

callid_idx defaultcallid

Chapter 2. alias db


This table us used by the alias_db module as an alternative for user aliases via userloc. More information about the alias_db module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/alias_db.html

Table 2-1. Table "dbaliases"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

alias_username string 64 ''no  

Alias username / phone number

alias_domain string 64 ''no  

Alias domain name

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

Table 2-2. Table "dbaliases" indexes

alias_idx uniquealias_username, alias_domain

target_idx defaultusername, domain

Chapter 3. Subscriber


This table is used to provide authentication information. More information about the auth_db module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/auth_db.html


This table is used by uri_db module to implement various SIP URI checks. More information about the uri_db module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/uri_db.html

Table 3-1. Table "subscriber"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

password string 25 ''no  


email_address string 64 ''no  

Email address

ha1 string 64 ''no  


ha1_sha256 string 64 ''no  


ha1_sha512t256 string 64 ''no  


rpid string 64 NULLyes  

The SIP Remote-Party-ID header identifies the calling party and includes user, party, screen and privacy headers that specify how a call is presented and screened.

Table 3-2. Table "subscriber" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain

username_idx defaultusername

Table 3-3. Table "uri"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

uri_user string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 3-4. Table "uri" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain, uri_user

Chapter 4. JWT authentication


This table is used by the AUTH_JWT module to read the actual JWT profiles info More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/auth_jwt.html.


This table is used by the AUTH_JWT module to read the actual JWT secrets which are used for authentication More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/auth_jwt.html.

Table 4-1. Table "jwt_profiles"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table key, not used by module

tag string 128 defaultno  

Unique ID of the JWT profile

sip_username string 128 defaultno  

The SIP username associated with the JWT profile

Table 4-2. Table "jwt_profiles" indexes

jwt_tag_idx uniquetag

Table 4-3. Table "jwt_secrets"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table key, not used by module

corresponding_tag string 128 defaultno  

JWT profile tag which this secret belongs to

secret text not specified defaultno  

The KEY used for signing the JWT

start_ts int not specified defaultno  

UNIX TS for the START period on which the JWT secret is valid

end_ts int not specified defaultno  

UNIX TS for the END period on which the JWT secret is valid

Chapter 5. AVP Operations


This table us used by the avpops module to implement Attribute Value Pairs (AVP's). More information about the avpops module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/avpops.html

Table 5-1. Table "usr_preferences"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

uuid string 64 ''no  

Unique user ID

username string 64 0no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

attribute string 32 ''no  

AVP attribute

type int 11 0no  

AVP type

value string 128 ''no  

AVP value

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 5-2. Table "usr_preferences" indexes

ua_idx defaultuuid, attribute

uda_idx defaultusername, domain, attribute

value_idx defaultvalue

Chapter 6. B2BUA


Table for the b2b_entities module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/b2b_entities.html


Table for the b2b_logic module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/b2b_logic.html

Table 6-1. Table "b2b_entities"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

type int 2 defaultno  

Entity type: 0-server, 1-client

state int 2 defaultno  

Dialog state

ruri string 255 defaultyes  

RURI(stored only for server entities to correctly match CANCEL)

from_uri string 255 defaultno  

From URI

to_uri string 255 defaultno  


from_dname string 64 defaultyes  

From display name

to_dname string 64 defaultyes  

To display name

tag0 string 64 defaultno  

TO tag

tag1 string 64 defaultyes  

From tag

callid string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

cseq0 int 11 defaultno  


cseq1 int 11 defaultyes  


contact0 string 255 defaultno  


contact1 string 255 defaultyes  


route0 text not specified defaultyes  

Record route 0

route1 text not specified defaultyes  

Record route 1

sockinfo_srv string 64 defaultyes  

Socket Info

param string 255 defaultno  

Logic parameter

mod_name string 32 defaultno  

OpenSIPS module that this entity belongs to

storage binary 4096 NULLyes  

Generic binary data storage

lm int 11 defaultno  

Last method

lrc int 11 defaultyes  

Last reply code

lic int 11 defaultyes  

Last invite cseq

leg_cseq int 11 defaultyes  

Leg cseq

leg_route text not specified defaultyes  

Leg route

leg_tag string 64 defaultyes  

Leg tag

leg_contact string 255 defaultyes  

Leg contact

leg_sockinfo string 255 defaultyes  

Leg sockinfo

Table 6-2. Table "b2b_entities" indexes

b2b_entities_idx uniquetype, tag0, tag1, callid

b2b_entities_param defaultparam

Table 6-3. Table "b2b_logic"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

si_key string 64 defaultno  

Scenario instantiation key

scenario string 64 defaultyes  

Scenario id

sstate int 2 defaultno  

Scenario State

sdp text 64 defaultyes  

Scenario id

lifetime int 10 0no  


e1_type int 2 defaultno  

E1 type

e1_sid string 64 defaultyes  

E1 Scenario ID

e1_from string 255 defaultno  

E1 From URI

e1_to string 255 defaultno  


e1_key string 64 defaultno  

E1 Key

e2_type int 2 defaultno  

E2 type

e2_sid string 64 defaultyes  

E2 Scenario ID

e2_from string 255 defaultno  

E2 From URI

e2_to string 255 defaultno  


e2_key string 64 defaultno  

E2 Key

e3_type int 2 defaultyes  

E3 type

e3_sid string 64 defaultyes  

E3 Scenario ID

e3_from string 255 defaultyes  

E3 From URI

e3_to string 255 defaultyes  


e3_key string 64 defaultyes  

E3 Key

Table 6-4. Table "b2b_logic" indexes

b2b_logic_idx uniquesi_key

Chapter 7. SCA support


Persistent sca information for the b2b_sca module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/b2b_sca.html

Table 7-1. Table "b2b_sca"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

shared_line string 64 defaultno  

The shared line.

watchers string 255 defaultno  

The URI list of watchers

app1_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app1_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app1_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app1_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app1_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app2_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app2_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app2_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app2_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app2_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app3_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app3_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app3_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app3_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app3_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app4_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app4_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app4_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app4_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app4_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app5_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app5_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app5_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app5_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app5_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app6_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app6_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app6_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app6_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app6_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app7_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app7_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app7_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app7_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app7_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app8_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app8_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app8_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app8_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app8_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app9_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app9_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app9_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app9_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app9_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

app10_shared_entity unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The entity to keep.

app10_call_state unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

The state of the appearance index.

app10_call_info_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the Call-Info header

app10_call_info_appearance_uri string 255 NULLyes  

The URI of the appearance in Call-Info header

app10_b2bl_key string 64 NULLyes  

The b2b_logic key.

Table 7-2. Table "b2b_sca" indexes

sca_idx uniqueshared_line

Chapter 8. CacheDB_SQL


DB implementation of the CacheDB interface: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/cachedb_sql.html

Table 8-1. Table "cachedb"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, not used by module

keyname string 255 defaultno  

The Key

value text 512 defaultno  

The value

counter int 10 0no  

The value of the counter

expires unsigned int 10 0no  

The unix timestamp when the key will expires

Table 8-2. Table "cachedb" indexes

cachedbsql_keyname_idx uniquekeyname

Chapter 9. Call Center


This table is used by the Call Center module to store the definition of the call queues / flows. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/call_center.html.


This table is used by the Call Center module to store the definition of the agents serving the flows/queues. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/call_center.html.


This table is used by the Call Center module to store the Call Data Records (CDRs) for all the handled calls. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/call_center.html.


This table is used by the Call Center module to store ongoing calls for restart persitancy. It consists only of runtime data and should not be manually provisioned. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/call_center.html.

Table 9-1. Table "cc_flows"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Flow unique ID in DB

flowid string 64 defaultno  

The unique ID of the flow in the Call Center module - to be used to identify the flow/queue in the module and from outside the module; It is an alphanumerical string.

priority unsigned int 11 256no  

The priority of the flow (in relation to the other flows); 0 is maximum priority and calls for this flow will be processed first all the time.

skill string 64 defaultno  

The skill required from an agent in order to receive calls from this flow/queue.

prependcid string 32 NULLyes  

Aphanumerical prefix to be added to the caller displayname when sending calls from this flow to agents (so agent - serving muliple flows - can see what was the flow the call was received on.

max_wrapup_time unsigned int 11 0no  

The maximum warpup time (in seconds) allowed for the call terminated via this flow. This value will limit the default or per-agent wrapup time. A 0 value means no limit/max defined.

dissuading_hangup unsigned int 11 0no  

If set to true (non zero value), the calls diverted to dissuading destination will be closed after the dissuading terminates (useful when using a playback for dissuading).

dissuading_onhold_th unsigned int 11 0no  

For how long (in seconds) a call will wait in the queue before getting a dissuading redirect.

dissuading_ewt_th unsigned int 11 0no  

The Estimated Waiting Time (in seconds) threshold that will redirect a new incoming call (not queued yet) to the dissuading destination.

dissuading_qsize_th unsigned int 11 0no  

The Size of the Queue (as already waiting calls in this flow) that will redirect a new incoming call (not queued yet) to the dissuading destination.

message_welcome string 128 NULLyes  

SIP URI point to a media server; this is used for playing the welcome message for this flow.

message_queue string 128 defaultno  

SIP URI point to a media server; this is used for playing the onhold message for this flow. IMPORTANT - this message must cycle and media server must never hung up on it.

message_dissuading string 128 NULLyes  

SIP URI point to a media server; this is used for playing the dissuading message for this flow.

message_flow_id string 128 NULLyes  

SIP URI point to a media server; this is used for playing the name of the flow id to the agent before delivering a call to him.

Table 9-2. Table "cc_flows" indexes

unique_flowid uniqueflowid

Table 9-3. Table "cc_agents"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Agent unique ID in DB

agentid string 128 defaultno  

The unique ID of the agent in the Call Center module - to be used to identify the agent in the module and from outside the module; It is an alphanumerical string.

location string 128 defaultyes  

SIP URI point to the agent location; All calls for this agents will be sent to this SIP address.

logstate unsigned int 10 0no  

The call login state of the agent; 0 - not logged in; 1 - logged in ; Agent will start receiving calls only if logged in.

msrp_location string 128 defaultyes  

MSRP SIP URI point to the agent location; All chat sessions for this agents will be sent to this SIP address.

msrp_max_sessions unsigned int 10 4no  

How many MSRP/chat sessions the agent can handle in the same time.

skills string 255 defaultno  

Comma separated list of skills offered by the agent; these skills must match the skills used in the queues/flows definition; In order to receive calls from a flow, the agent must have the skill required by that flow.

wrapup_end_time int 11 0no  

The timestamp when the last wrapup ends/ended for the agent. If different than 0, the agent will only receive calls after this timestamp.

wrapup_time int 11 0no  

The duration in seconds needed by the agent to wrap up the call he just completed. If set to 0, the global wraptup time will be used for this agent.

Table 9-4. Table "cc_agents" indexes

unique_agentid uniqueagentid

Table 9-5. Table "cc_cdrs"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

CDR unique ID in DB

caller string 64 defaultno  

The SIP URI identifing the caller.

received_timestamp datetime not specified defaultno  

When the call was received.

wait_time unsigned int 11 0no  

Time (in seconds) spent by the call in queue (onhold).

pickup_time unsigned int 11 0no  

Time (in seconds) spent by the call in ringing to the agent.

talk_time unsigned int 11 0no  

The duration (in seconds) of the call.

flow_id string 128 defaultno  

The ID of the flow the call was received on.

agent_id string 128 NULLyes  

The ID of the agent who picked this call (if any).

call_type int 11 -1no  

Type of call: -2 - call rejected by agent; -1 - call dropped because of internal error; 0 - call handled by agent; 1 - call dropped while in queue;

rejected unsigned int 11 0no  

How many times the call was rejected by agents (agent not answering his phone).

fstats unsigned int 11 0no  

Bitmask of the following binary flags: 0 - it is inbound call; 1 - call was distributed to agents; 2 - call was answered; 3 - call was abandoned.

cid unsigned int 11 0yes  

Sequence number of the call.

media int 11 0no  

Media type of the call: 1 - RTP/audio; 2 - MSRP/chat;

Table 9-6. Table "cc_calls"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID of the call.

state int 11 defaultno  

The state of the call.

media int 11 defaultno  

Indicates the media type of the call, (0) RTP/audio or (1) MSRP/chat.

ig_cback int 11 defaultno  

Indicates if the call should be ignored.

no_rej int 11 defaultno  

Indicates whether the call can be rejected or not.

setup_time int 11 defaultno  

Stores the call setup time.

eta int 11 defaultno  

The estimated wait time for a call until it is answered by an agent.

last_start int 11 defaultno  

Stores the timestamp when the last call has started.

recv_time int 11 defaultno  

Stores the timestamp when the call was received by the call center.

caller_dn string 128 defaultno  

Caller Display Name.

caller_un string 128 defaultno  

Caller User Name.

b2buaid string 128 ''no  

The B2B id internally used by the B2B module to identify the call.

flow string 128 defaultno  

The flow/queue this call belongs to.

agent string 128 defaultno  

The agent that handles the call.

script_param string 128 defaultno  

Parameter passed to the callcenter B2B logic scriptt.

Table 9-7. Table "cc_calls" indexes

unique_id uniqueb2buaid

b2buaid_idx defaultb2buaid

Chapter 10. carrierroute


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provides routing, balancing and blacklisting capabilities. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/carrierroute.html


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provide failure routing capabilities. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/carrierroute.html


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provides routing, balancing and blacklisting capabilities. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/carrierroute.html

Table 10-1. Table "carrierroute"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier unsigned int 10 0no  

This column contains the carrier id.

domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain. Additional domains could be used for example as fallback.

scan_prefix string 64 ''no  

This column contains the scan prefix, which define the matching portion of a phone number.

flags unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the flags used for rule matching.

mask unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the mask that is applied to the message flags before rule matching.

prob float not specified 0no  

Name of column containing the probability. The probability value is used to distribute the traffic between several gateways.

strip unsigned int 11 0no  

Name of the column containing the number of digits to be stripped of the userpart of an URI before prepending rewrite_prefix.

rewrite_host string 255 ''no  

Name of column containing rewrite prefixes. Here you can define a rewrite prefix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

rewrite_prefix string 64 ''no  

Rewrite prefix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

rewrite_suffix string 64 ''no  

Rewrite suffix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the route entry, useful for larger routing tables.

Table 10-2. Table "carrierfailureroute"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier unsigned int 10 0no  

This column contains the carrier id.

domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain. Additional domains could be used for example as fallback.

scan_prefix string 64 ''no  

This column contains the scan prefix, which define the matching portion of a phone number.

host_name string 255 ''no  

This column contains the routing destination used for rule matching.

reply_code string 3 ''no  

This column contains the reply code used for rule matching.

flags unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the flags used for rule matching.

mask unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the mask that is applied to the message flags before rule matching.

next_domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain that should be used for the next routing attempt.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the route entry, useful for larger routing tables.

Table 10-3. Table "route_tree"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier string 64 NULLyes  

This column contains the carrier name.

Chapter 11. Accounting


This table is used by the closeddial module to provide closed dial functionality for groups of usernames; This is a functionality similar to a Centrex. More information about the closeddial module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/closeddial.html

Table 11-1. Table "closeddial"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

cd_username string 64 ''no  

Closed dial username

cd_domain string 64 ''no  

Closed dial domain

group_id string 64 ''no  

Attribute use to group usernames

new_uri string 255 ''no  


Table 11-2. Table "closeddial" indexes

cd_idx1 uniqueusername, domain, cd_domain, cd_username, group_id

cd_idx2 defaultgroup_id

cd_idx3 defaultcd_username

cd_idx4 defaultusername

Chapter 12. Clusterer support


This table is used for defining clusters of OpenSIPS instances.

Table 12-1. Table "clusterer"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

cluster_id int 10 defaultno  

unique identifier for a cluster

node_id int 10 defaultno  

unique identifier for a node

url string 64 defaultno  

network location of the machine, like protocol:ip:port

state int 1 1no  

state of the machine 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled

no_ping_retries int 10 3no  

maximum number of ping retries before the link with a node is considered down

priority int 10 50no  

priority to be chosen as next hop in case of same length(number of hops) paths

sip_addr string 64 defaultyes  

SIP address, currently not used by the module

flags string 64 defaultyes  

Node flags: "seed" - node automatically considered to be synchronized

description string 64 defaultyes  

opaque text not used by the module

Table 12-2. Table "clusterer" indexes

clusterer_idx uniquecluster_id, node_id

Chapter 13. Call-processing language


Table for the call processing language "cpl" module. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/cpl_c.html

Table 13-1. Table "cpl"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

domain string 64 ''no  

cpl_xml text not specified defaultyes  

cpl_bin text not specified defaultyes  

Table 13-2. Table "cpl" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain

Chapter 14. Dialog support


Persistent dialog information for the dialog module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/dialog.html

Table 14-1. Table "dialog"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
dlg_id unsigned long 10 defaultnoprimary 

h_entry | h_id

callid string 255 defaultno  

Call-ID of the dialog

from_uri string 255 defaultno  

The URI of the FROM header (as per INVITE)

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_uri string 255 defaultno  

The URI of the TO header (as per INVITE)

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

mangled_from_uri string 64 NULLyes  

The mangled from URI, in case uac_replace_from was called for this dialog.

mangled_to_uri string 64 NULLyes  

The mangled to URI, in case uac_replace_to was called for this dialog

caller_cseq string 11 defaultno  

Last Cseq number on the caller side.

callee_cseq string 11 defaultno  

Last Cseq number on the callee side.

caller_ping_cseq unsigned int 11 defaultno  

Last Cseq number of pings generated on caller side.

callee_ping_cseq unsigned int 11 defaultno  

Last Cseq number of pings generated on callee side.

caller_route_set text 512 defaultyes  

Route set on the caller side.

callee_route_set text 512 defaultyes  

Route set on on the caller side.

caller_contact string 255 defaultyes  

Caller's contact uri.

callee_contact string 255 defaultyes  

Callee's contact uri.

caller_sock string 64 defaultno  

Local socket used to communicate with caller

callee_sock string 64 defaultno  

Local socket used to communicate with callee

state unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The state of the dialog.

start_time unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The timestamp (unix time) when the dialog was confirmed.

timeout unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The timestamp (unix time) when the dialog will expire.

vars binary 4096 NULLyes  

Variables attached to this dialog.

profiles text 512 NULLyes  

Profiles this dialog belongs to.

script_flags unsigned int 10 0no  

Script flags for the dialog.

module_flags unsigned int 10 0no  

Module flags for the dialog.

flags unsigned int 10 0no  

Internal flags used by the module.

rt_on_answer string 64 NULLyes  

The name of the script route to be executed upon call answering

rt_on_timeout string 64 NULLyes  

The name of the script route to be executed upon call timeout (as duration)

rt_on_hangup string 64 NULLyes  

The name of the script route to be executed upon call hangup

Chapter 15. Matching and translation rules


This table is used by the dialplan module for the translation rules. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/dialplan.html

Table 15-1. Table "dialplan"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

dpid int 11 defaultno  

Dialplan ID.

pr int 11 0no  

Priority of rule.

match_op int 11 defaultno  

Matching operator for rule (0-equal, 1-regexp).

match_exp string 64 defaultno  

Matching expression (regexp or string).

match_flags int 11 0no  

Matching flags (0-case sensitive, 1-case insensitive).

subst_exp string 64 NULLyes  

Substitution expression.

repl_exp string 32 NULLyes  

Replacement expression (sed like).

timerec string 255 NULLyes  

Time recurrence used to match this rule.

disabled int 11 0no  

Specifies if the command can be used, or is disabled.

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

General attributes string to be returned in case of rule matching.

Chapter 16. Dispatcher


This table is used by the dispatcher module. It contains the sets of destinations used for load balancing and dispatching. More information about the dispatcher module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/dispatcher.html

Table 16-1. Table "dispatcher"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

setid int not specified 0no  

Destination set id

destination string 192 ''no  

Destination SIP address

socket string 128 NULLyes  

Local Socket to be used when sending requests (traffic and probes) to the destination - must be an listener configured in opensips.

state int not specified 0no  

The state of the destination (0 enabled, 1 disabled , 2 probing)

weight string 64 1no  

The weight of the destination (integer or socket definition)

priority int not specified 0no  

The priority of each destination (only useful with algorithm 8)

attrs string 128 ''no  

Attribute string - custom, opaque string that will be pushed into script when this destination will be selected

description string 64 ''no  

Description for this destination

Chapter 17. Domain


This table is used by the domain module to determine if a host part of a URI is "local" or not. More information about the domain module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/domain.html

Table 17-1. Table "domain"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

Domain Attributes

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 17-2. Table "domain" indexes

domain_idx uniquedomain

Chapter 18. Domainpolicy


Table for the domainpolicy module. More information at https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/domainpolicy.html.

Table 18-1. Table "domainpolicy"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

rule string 255 defaultno  

Domain policy rule name which is equal to the URI as published in the domain policy NAPTRs.

type string 255 defaultno  

Domain policy rule type. In the case of federation names, this is "fed". For standard referrals according to draft-lendl-speermint-technical-policy-00, this is "std". For direct domain lookups, this is "dom". Default value is "type".

att string 255 defaultyes  

It contains the AVP's name. If the rule stored in this row triggers, than dp_can_connect() will add an AVP with that name.

val string 128 defaultyes  

It contains the values for AVPs created by dp_can_connect(). Default value is "val"

description string 255 defaultno  

Comment about the rule

Table 18-2. Table "domainpolicy" indexes

rav_idx uniquerule, att, val

rule_idx defaultrule

Chapter 19. Dynamic Routing


This table is used by the Dynamic Routing module to store information about the destinations/gateways where to route calls. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/drouting.html.


This table is used by the Dynamic Routing module to store information about the routing rules. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/drouting.html.


This table is used by the Dynamic Routing module to define carriers (a carrier is defined by a list of gateways and an ordering rule). More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/drouting.html.


This table is used by the Dynamic Routing module to store information about the routing groups (users mapped over groups). More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/drouting.html.


This table is used by the Dynamic Routing module to store information about the partitions used in routing (url to database, table names and AVP names for each partition). More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/drouting.html.

Table 19-1. Table "dr_gateways"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, not used by module

gwid string 64 defaultno  

GW unique ID - used to link the GW from the routing rules

type unsigned int 11 0no  

Type/class of the GW (user defined)

address string 128 defaultno  

GW/destination address as name/IP[:port]

strip unsigned int 11 0no  

Number of digits to be striped out for the beginning of the username when using this GW/destination

pri_prefix string 16 NULLyes  

String to prefix the username of RURI when using this GW/destination

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

Generic string describing GW attributes - this string is to be interpreted from the script

probe_mode unsigned int 11 0no  

0- No probing; 1-Probe on disable only ; 2-Always probe;

state unsigned int 11 0no  

State of the gateway: 0 - enabled; 1 - permanent disabled; 2 - temporary disabled (probing)

socket string 128 NULLyes  

Local Socket to be used when sending requests (traffic and probes) to the destination - must be an listener configured in opensips.

description string 128 NULLyes  

Text description of the GW/destination

Table 19-2. Table "dr_gateways" indexes

dr_gw_idx uniquegwid

Table 19-3. Table "dr_rules"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
ruleid unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Rule unique ID

groupid string 255 defaultno  

The ID(s) of the routing group(s) this rule is to be used for - comma separeted list of numerical Ids

prefix string 64 defaultno  

Numerical prefix to match this rule

timerec string 255 NULLyes  

Time recurrence used for matching this rule.

priority int 11 0no  

Priority of this rule (among rules with same prefix and timerec).

routeid string 255 NULLyes  

Route block (from cfg script) to be called when rule matches.

gwlist string 255 defaultyes  

A comma-separated list of GW unique IDs (e.g. GW-5) and/or hash-prefixed ("#") Carrier unique IDs (e.g. #CR-2).

sort_alg string 1 'N'no  

The sorting algorithm to be employed for the rule's destinations when do_routing() is called. Possible values: 'N' (default; no sorting, preserve given order), 'W' (weight based sorting), 'Q' (quality-based sorting, provided by the qrouting module)

sort_profile unsigned int 10 NULLyes  

Whenever the 'Q' (quality-based routing) sorting algorithm is provided, this column must hold a profile id belonging to the "qr_profiles" table.

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

Generic string describing RULE attributes - this string is to be interpreted from the script

description string 128 NULLyes  

Text description of the rule

Table 19-4. Table "dr_carriers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table key, not used by module

carrierid string 64 defaultno  

Unique ID of the carrier

gwlist string 255 defaultno  

A comma-separated list of GW unique IDs (e.g. GW-5).

flags unsigned int 11 0no  

Flags of the carriers (for different purposes: use only first gw from cr (set the first bit of the flag); disable gateway (set the second bit of the flag);

sort_alg string 1 'N'no  

The sorting algorithm to be employed for the carrier's destinations when do_routing() is called. Possible values: 'N' (default; no sorting, preserve given order), 'W' (weight based sorting), 'Q' (quality-based sorting, provided by the qrouting module)

state unsigned int 11 0no  

The state of the carrier (on / off).

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

Attributes string for the carrier

description string 128 NULLyes  

Text description of the GW list

Table 19-5. Table "dr_carriers" indexes

dr_carrier_idx uniquecarrierid

Table 19-6. Table "dr_groups"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

Username part of user

domain string 128 NULLyes  

Domain part of user

groupid unsigned int 11 0no  

The ID of the routing group the user belongs to.

description string 128 NULLyes  

Text description of the group/user

Table 19-7. Table "dr_partitions"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Partition unique ID

partition_name string 255 defaultno  

The name of the partition.

db_url string 255 defaultno  

The url to the database containing the tables: dr_rules, dr_groups, dr_carriers and dr_gateways

drd_table string 255 defaultyes  

The name of the dr_gateways table in the given database (for the given partition).

drr_table string 255 defaultyes  

The name of the dr_rules table in the given database (for the given partition).

drg_table string 255 defaultyes  

The name of the dr_groups table in the given database (for the given partition).

drc_table string 255 defaultyes  

The name of the dr_carriers table in the given database (for the given partition).

ruri_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of ruri_avp AVP.

gw_id_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of gw_id_avp AVP

gw_priprefix_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of gw_priprefix_avp AVP.

gw_sock_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of gw_sock_avp AVP.

rule_id_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of rule_id_avp AVP.

rule_prefix_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of rule_prefix_avp AVP.

carrier_id_avp string 255 defaultyes  

The name of carrier_id_avp AVP.

Chapter 20. Emergency


This table is used by the Emergency module to translate ERT informations in ESGWRI. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/emergency.html.


This table is used by the Emergency module to save information associated with a emergency call, for trouble shooting purposes. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/emergency.html.


This table is used by the Emergency module to store information of the organizations involved in the routing of the emergency call, this information is necessary to send the request to the VPC, according to the NENA standard. This table isn't necessary if opensips role not send request to VPC, such as the opensips acting as call server in the scenarios II and III. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/emergency.html.

Table 20-1. Table "emergency_routing"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

selectiveRoutingID string 11 defaultno  

The Common Language Location Indicator(CLLI) code associated with the Selective Router to which the emergency call is to be directed

routingESN unsigned int 5 0no  

The Emergency Services Number associated with a particular ESZ that respresents a unique combination of Police, Fire and EMS emergency responders.

npa unsigned int 3 0no  

The primary Numbering Plan Area (NPA) associated with the outgoing route to the Selective Router that is appropriate for caller's location.

esgwri string 50 defaultno  

Routing information used to direct the call to the ESGW.

Table 20-2. Table "emergency_report"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

callid string 25 defaultno  

header that uniquely identifies the call.

selectiveRoutingID string 11 defaultno  

The Common Language Location Indicator(CLLI) code associated with the Selective Router to which the emergency call is to be directed

routingESN unsigned int 5 0no  

The Emergency Services Number associated with a particular ESZ that respresents a unique combination of Police, Fire and EMS emergency responders.

npa unsigned int 3 0no  

The primary Numbering Plan Area (NPA) associated with the outgoing route to the Selective Router that is appropriate for caller's location.

esgwri string 50 defaultno  

Routing information used to direct the call to the ESGW.

lro string 20 defaultno  

last routing option destination for the call.

VPC_organizationName string 50 defaultno  

company name or other label of the VPC that provided the routing information.

VPC_hostname string 50 defaultno  

identifies the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the VPC that provided routing information.

VPC_timestamp string 30 defaultno  

Date Time Stamp indicating UTC date and time that the message was sent from VPC.

result string 4 defaultno  

Code indicating the reason for success or failure to determine an ERT/ESGWRI and ESQK.

disposition string 10 defaultno  

Describe how routing of call was done(e.g.,by ESGWRI or bye LRO)

Table 20-3. Table "emergency_service_provider"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

organizationName string 50 defaultno  

provider company name's. This parameter is optional field in the NENA v2 interface (call server - VPC)

hostId string 30 defaultno  

provider hostname's. This parameter is  mandatory if attribution is 0(source) or 2(VSP), otherwise it is optional.

nenaId string 50 defaultno  

the NENA administered company identifier (NENA Company ID) of provider. This parameter is optional field in the NENA v2 interface (call server - VPC).

contact string 20 defaultno  

telephone number by which the provider operator can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This parameter is  mandatory if attribution is 0(source) or 2(VSP), otherwise it is optional.

certUri string 50 defaultno  

provides a means of directly obtaining the VESA(Valid Emergency Services Authority) issued certificate for the provider. This parameter is optional field in the NENA v2 interface (call server - VPC).

nodeIP string 20 defaultno  

IP address of the node that is being registered. This parameter is  mandatory.

attribution unsigned int 2 defaultno  

It is a field of type int designating the function of the organization involved in the composition of architecture NENA being registered in this table. This parameter is  mandatory.  The values that this field can take are: 0 - the organization is a Source. Source is node directly requesting emergency call routing from the VPC. 1 - the organization is a VPC. VPC is the routing information provider to emengency call 2- the organization is a VSP. VSP is the caller's voice service provider

Chapter 21. Fraud Detection


This table is used by the Fraud Detection module to store information about fraud-profiles. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/fraud_detection.html.

Table 21-1. Table "fraud_detection"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
ruleid unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Rule unique ID

profileid unsigned int not specified defaultno  

The ID of the profile the current rule is part of

prefix string 64 defaultno  

Numerical prefix to match this rule

start_hour string 5 '00:00'no  

Start of the interval in which the rule should be matched.

end_hour string 5 '23:59'no  

End of the interval in which the rule should be matched.

daysoftheweek string 64 'Mon-Sun'no  

List/interval of days in which the rule is available.

cpm_warning unsigned int 5 0no  

Warning threshold for calls per minute.

cpm_critical unsigned int 5 0no  

Crtical threshold for calls per minute.

call_duration_warning unsigned int 5 0no  

Warning threshold for calls per minute.

call_duration_critical unsigned int 5 0no  

Crtical threshold for call duration.

total_calls_warning unsigned int 5 0no  

Warning threshold for total calls.

total_calls_critical unsigned int 5 0no  

Crtical threshold for total calls.

concurrent_calls_warning unsigned int 5 0no  

Warning threshold for concurrent calls.

concurrent_calls_critical unsigned int 5 0no  

Crtical threshold for concurrent calls.

sequential_calls_warning unsigned int 5 0no  

Warning threshold for sequential calls.

sequential_calls_critical unsigned int 5 0no  

Crtical threshold for sequential calls.

Chapter 22. FreeSWITCH ESL Integration


Generic FreeSWITCH integration, allowing full control over the ESL commands and event notifications. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/freeswitch_scripting.html

Table 22-1. Table "freeswitch"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 defaultyes  

FreeSWITCH ESL authentication username

password string 64 defaultno  

FreeSWITCH ESL authentication password (plain text)

ip string 20 defaultno  

FreeSWITCH ESL IP address

port int 11 8021no  


events_csv string 255 defaultyes  

Comma-separated, case-sensitive values holding the exact FreeSWITCH ESL events which OpenSIPS will attempt to subscribe to

Chapter 23. Group checking


This table us used by the group module as a means of group membership checking. Used primarily for Access Control Lists (ACL's). More information about the group module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/group.html


This table is used by the group module to check membership based on regular expressions. More information about the group module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/group.html

Table 23-1. Table "grp"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

grp string 64 ''no  

Group name

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 23-2. Table "grp" indexes

account_group_idx uniqueusername, domain, grp

Table 23-3. Table "re_grp"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

reg_exp string 128 ''no  

Regular expression

group_id int 11 0no  

Group ID

Table 23-4. Table "re_grp" indexes

group_idx defaultgroup_id

Chapter 24. Instant Message Conference


Room table for the IMC module. More information at https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/imc.html.


Member table for the IMC module. More information at https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/imc.html.

Table 24-1. Table "imc_rooms"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

name string 64 defaultno  

Name of the room

domain string 64 defaultno  

Domain of the room

flag int 11 defaultno  


Table 24-2. Table "imc_rooms" indexes

name_domain_idx uniquename, domain

Table 24-3. Table "imc_members"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  


domain string 64 defaultno  


room string 64 defaultno  

flag int 11 defaultno  


Table 24-4. Table "imc_members" indexes

account_room_idx uniqueusername, domain, room

Chapter 25. Load Balancer


This table is used by the Load-Balancer module to store information about the destinations the balance the calls between. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/load_balancer.html.

Table 25-1. Table "load_balancer"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID of the destination

group_id unsigned int 11 0no  

The group the destination belongs to

dst_uri string 128 defaultno  

Destination address as a SIP URI

resources string 255 defaultno  

String with the definition of the resource provided by the destination and the capacity of each resource

probe_mode unsigned int 11 0no  

Probing mode (0-none, 1-if disabled, 2-all the time)

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

Attribute string - custom, opaque string that will simply be pushed into script

description string 128 NULLyes  

Text description of the destination

Table 25-2. Table "load_balancer" indexes

dsturi_idx defaultdst_uri

Chapter 26. Message Storage


This table us used by the msilo module to provide offline message storage More information about the msilo module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/msilo.html

Table 26-1. Table "silo"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

src_addr string 255 ''no  

Source address - From URI

dst_addr string 255 ''no  

Destination address - To URI

username string 64 ''no  

SIP domain of target user

domain string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number of target user

inc_time int not specified 0no  

Incoming time

exp_time int not specified 0no  

Expiration time

snd_time int not specified 0no  

Reminder send time

ctype string 255 NULLyes  

Content type

body binary not specified NULLyes  

Body of the message

Table 26-2. Table "silo" indexes

account_idx defaultusername, domain

Chapter 27. Permissions


This table is used by the permissions module. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/permissions.html

Table 27-1. Table "address"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

grp unsigned short 5 0no  

The group ID - each address may belong to a group/set

ip string 50 defaultno  

IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 format

mask char not specified 32no  

Network mask, a number from 0 to 128; It should be up to 32 if the IP is v4 and up to 128 if the IP is v6

port unsigned short 5 0no  

Port number, 0 value meaning 'any' (wildcard)

proto string 4 'any'no  

Transport protocol is either "any" or equal to transport protocol of request. Possible values that can be stored are "any", "udp", "tcp", "tls", and "sctp".

pattern string 64 NULLyes  

A shell wildcard pattern to be used for matching string provided by the check address functions.

context_info string 32 NULLyes  

Extra context information, not used by OpenSIPS, but simply exposed to the script level via scripting variables

Chapter 28. Presence


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/presence.html


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/presence.html


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/presence.html


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/presence.html


Table for the presence related pua module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/pua.html

Table 28-1. Table "presentity"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

User name

domain string 64 defaultno  


event string 64 defaultno  


etag string 64 defaultno  

User name

expires int 11 defaultno  


received_time int 11 defaultno  

Reveived time

body binary not specified NULLyes  

extra_hdrs binary not specified NULLyes  

sender string 255 NULLyes  

Sender contact

Table 28-2. Table "presentity" indexes

presentity_idx uniqueusername, domain, event, etag

Table 28-3. Table "active_watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 255 defaultno  

Presence URI

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

From User

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

From Domain

to_user string 64 defaultno  

To User

to_domain string 64 defaultno  

To Domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

event_id string 64 defaultyes  

Event ID

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

TO tag

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

From tag

callid string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

local_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Local cseq

remote_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Remote cseq

contact string 255 defaultno  


record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

expires int 11 defaultno  


status int 11 2no  


reason string 64 defaultyes  


version int 11 0no  


socket_info string 64 defaultno  

Socket info

local_contact string 255 defaultno  

Local contact

sharing_tag string 32 NULLyes  

The name of the tag assigned to this watcher inside the sharing cluster

Table 28-4. Table "active_watchers" indexes

active_watchers_idx uniquepresentity_uri, callid, to_tag, from_tag

Table 28-5. Table "watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 255 defaultno  

Presentity Uri

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

Watcher User

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

Watcher Domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

status int 11 defaultno  


reason string 64 defaultyes  


inserted_time int 11 defaultno  

Table 28-6. Table "watchers" indexes

watcher_idx uniquepresentity_uri, watcher_username, watcher_domain, event

Table 28-7. Table "xcap"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

User name

domain string 64 defaultno  


doc binary not specified defaultno  


doc_type int 11 defaultno  

Document type

etag string 64 defaultno  

Document Etag

source int 11 defaultno  

Entity inserting the record

doc_uri string 255 defaultno  

Document uri

port int 11 defaultno  

XCAP server port

Table 28-8. Table "xcap" indexes

account_doc_type_idx uniqueusername, domain, doc_type, doc_uri

source_idx defaultsource

Table 28-9. Table "pua"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

pres_uri string 255 defaultno  


pres_id string 255 defaultno  


event int 11 defaultno  


expires int 11 defaultno  


desired_expires int 11 defaultno  

Desired Expires

flag int 11 defaultno  


etag string 64 defaultyes  


tuple_id string 64 defaultyes  

Tuple ID

watcher_uri string 255 defaultyes  

Watcher URI

to_uri string 255 defaultyes  


call_id string 64 defaultyes  

Call ID

to_tag string 64 defaultyes  

To tag

from_tag string 64 defaultyes  

From tag

cseq int 11 defaultyes  

record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

contact string 255 defaultyes  


remote_contact string 255 defaultyes  

Remote contact

version int 11 defaultyes  

extra_headers text not specified defaultyes  

Extra Headers

sharing_tag string 32 NULLyes  

The name of the tag assigned to this presentity inside the sharing cluster

Table 28-10. Table "pua" indexes

del1_idx defaultpres_uri, event

del2_idx defaultexpires

update_idx defaultpres_uri, pres_id, flag, event

Chapter 29. Quality Routing


This table is used by the Quality Routing module to store information about the thresholds for warnings and disabling destinations. A profile is associated with a drouting rule. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/qrouting.html.

Table 29-1. Table "qr_profiles"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key

profile_name string 64 defaultno  

The name of the profile

warn_threshold_asr double not specified -1no  

The warning threshold for answer seizure ratio

warn_threshold_ccr double not specified -1no  

The warning threshold for call completion ratio

warn_threshold_pdd double not specified -1no  

The warning threshold for post dial delay

warn_threshold_ast double not specified -1no  

The warning threshold for average setup time

warn_threshold_acd double not specified -1no  

The warning threshold for average call duration

crit_threshold_asr double not specified -1no  

The critical threshold for answer seizure ratio

crit_threshold_ccr double not specified -1no  

The critical threshold for call completion ratio

crit_threshold_pdd double not specified -1no  

The critical threshold for post dial delay

crit_threshold_ast double not specified -1no  

The critical threshold for average setup time

crit_threshold_acd double not specified -1no  

The critical threshold for average call duration

warn_penalty_asr double not specified 0.5no  

Traffic volume reduction when ASR falls below warn limit

warn_penalty_ccr double not specified 0.5no  

Traffic volume reduction when CCR falls below warn limit

warn_penalty_pdd double not specified 0.5no  

Traffic volume reduction when PDD falls below warn limit

warn_penalty_ast double not specified 0.5no  

Traffic volume reduction when AST falls below warn limit

warn_penalty_acd double not specified 0.5no  

Traffic volume reduction when ACD falls below warn limit

crit_penalty_asr double not specified 0.05no  

Traffic volume reduction when ASR falls below crit limit

crit_penalty_ccr double not specified 0.05no  

Traffic volume reduction when CCR falls below crit limit

crit_penalty_pdd double not specified 0.05no  

Traffic volume reduction when PDD falls below crit limit

crit_penalty_ast double not specified 0.05no  

Traffic volume reduction when AST falls below crit limit

crit_penalty_acd double not specified 0.05no  

Traffic volume reduction when ACD falls below crit limit

Chapter 30. Rate Cacher


This table is used by the Rate Cacher module to keep track of the clients - the inbound side of the traffic. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/rate_cacher.html.


This table is used by the Rate Cacher module to keep track of the vendors - the outbound side of the traffic. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/rate_cacher.html.


This table is used by the Rate Cacher module to keep track of the ratesheets. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/rate_cacher.html.


This table is a demo table to be used by the Rate Cacher module to keep track of the prices for the traffic. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/rate_cacher.html.

Table 30-1. Table "rc_clients"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, not used by module

client_id string 64 defaultno  

Client unique ID

wholesale_rate unsigned int 11 0no  

Wholesale Rate used for this clients

retail_rate unsigned int 11 0no  

Retail Rate used for this client

Table 30-2. Table "rc_clients" indexes

client_id_idx uniqueclient_id

Table 30-3. Table "rc_vendors"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, not used by module

vendor_id string 64 defaultno  

Vendor unique ID

vendor_rate unsigned int 11 0no  

Rate used for this vendor

Table 30-4. Table "rc_vendors" indexes

vendor_id_idx uniquevendor_id

Table 30-5. Table "rc_ratesheets"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, used by the module to get the currency and table name

ratesheet_table string 64 defaultno  

Table name for the ratesheet with the above ID

currency string 64 defaultno  

Currency for the current ratesheet

Table 30-6. Table "rc_ratesheets" indexes

table_idx uniqueratesheet_table

Table 30-7. Table "rc_demo_ratesheet"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Table primary key, not used by module

prefix string 64 defaultno  

Prefix of the currenty entry in the ratesheet

destination string 128 defaultno  

Plain-Text description of current entry in the ratesheet

price float not specified 0no  

Price for the current entry

minimum unsigned int 11 0no  

Minimum seconds to bill for this entry

increment unsigned int 11 1no  

Increment to bill for this entry

Table 30-8. Table "rc_demo_ratesheet" indexes

prefix_idx uniqueprefix

Chapter 31. Registrant support


Registrant information for the uac_registrant module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/uac_registrant.html

Table 31-1. Table "registrant"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

registrar string 255 ''no  

URI pointing to the remote registrar.

proxy string 255 NULLyes  

URI pointing to the outbond proxy.

aor string 255 ''no  

URI defining the address of record.

third_party_registrant string 255 NULLyes  

URI defining the third party registrant.

username string 64 NULLyes  

Username for authentication.

password string 64 NULLyes  

Password for authentication. If the password starts with 0x and is an MD5 hash, then it is considered to be the HA1 representation of the hash. Otherwise, it is considered to be plain text.

binding_URI string 255 ''no  

Contact URI in REGISTER.

binding_params string 64 NULLyes  

Contact params in REGISTER.

expiry unsigned int 1 NULLyes  

Expiration time.

forced_socket string 64 NULLyes  

socket for sending the REGISTER.

cluster_shtag string 64 NULLyes  

A cluster sharing tag (as [tag_name/custer_id]) used to control this registration in clustering scenarios

state int not specified 0no  

The state of the registrant (0 enabled, 1 disabled)

Table 31-2. Table "registrant" indexes

registrant_idx uniqueaor, binding_URI, registrar

Chapter 32. RLS


Table for the RLS module.


Table for RLS module used for storing resource lists subscribe information.

Table 32-1. Table "rls_presentity"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

rlsubs_did string 255 defaultno  

Resource list subscribe dialog id

resource_uri string 255 defaultno  

List Uri

content_type string 255 defaultno  

Content type

presence_state binary not specified defaultno  

expires int 11 defaultno  


updated int 11 defaultno  

Update flag

auth_state int 11 defaultno  

Watcher authorization state

reason string 64 defaultno  

reason for watcher authorization state

Table 32-2. Table "rls_presentity" indexes

rls_presentity_idx uniquerlsubs_did, resource_uri

updated_idx defaultupdated

Table 32-3. Table "rls_watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 255 defaultno  

Presence URI

to_user string 64 defaultno  

To user

to_domain string 64 defaultno  

To domain

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

From user

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

From domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

event_id string 64 defaultyes  

Event ID

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

To tag

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

From tag

callid string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

local_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Local cseq

remote_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Remote cseq

contact string 64 defaultno  


record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

expires int 11 defaultno  


status int 11 2no  


reason string 64 defaultno  


version int 11 0no  


socket_info string 64 defaultno  

Socket info

local_contact string 255 defaultno  

Local contact

Table 32-4. Table "rls_watchers" indexes

rls_watcher_idx uniquepresentity_uri, callid, to_tag, from_tag

Chapter 33. RTPengine


This table is used by the RTPEngine module to store definitions of socket(s) used to connect to (a set) RTPEngine. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/rtpengine.html.

Table 33-1. Table "rtpengine"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

socket text not specified defaultno  

RTPEngine socket used to send commands. Example: "udp:localhost:60000".

set_id unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The ID of the RTPEngine set.

Chapter 34. RTPProxy


This table is used by the NAT Helper module to store definitions of socket(s) used to connect to (a set) RTPProxy. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/nathelper.html.

Table 34-1. Table "rtpproxy_sockets"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

rtpproxy_sock text not specified defaultno  

A list of sockets use to connect to a set of RTPProxy. Example: "udp:localhost:12221 udp:localhost:12222".

set_id unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The ID of the RTPProxy set.

Chapter 35. SMPP


This table is used to provision Short Message Service Center (SMSC) information to connect to over the SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer). More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/proto_smpp.html.

Table 35-1. Table "smpp"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

name string 255 defaultno  

An arbitrary name of the SMSC, used to uniquely identify the binding.

ip string 50 defaultno  

The IP address used to connect to the SMSC.

port unsigned int 5 defaultno  

The port used to connect to the SMSC.

system_id string 16 defaultno  

The System ID (also called user name) for the gateway to use when connecting to the SMPP server.

password string 9 defaultno  

The password for the gateway to use when connecting to the SMPP server.

system_type string 13 ''no  

Configures the System Type parameter of the the SMPP server.

src_ton unsigned int not specified 0no  

Specifies the Source TON (Type of Number).

src_npi unsigned int not specified 0no  

Specifies the Source NPI (Numbering Plan Indicator).

dst_ton unsigned int not specified 0no  

Specifies the Destination TON (Type of Number).

dst_npi unsigned int not specified 0no  

Specifies the Destination NPI (Numbering Plan Indicator).

session_type unsigned int not specified 1no  

Specifies the type of binding: 1 - transciever, 2 - transmitter, 3 - receiver, 4 - outbind.

Table 35-2. Table "smpp" indexes

unique_name uniquename

Chapter 36. Speed dial


This table is used by the speeddial module to provide on-server speed dial facilities. More information about the speeddial module can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/speeddial.html

Table 36-1. Table "speed_dial"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

sd_username string 64 ''no  

Speed dial username

sd_domain string 64 ''no  

Speed dial domain

new_uri string 255 ''no  


fname string 64 ''no  

First name

lname string 64 ''no  

Last name

description string 64 ''no  


Table 36-2. Table "speed_dial" indexes

speed_dial_idx uniqueusername, domain, sd_domain, sd_username

Chapter 37. Version

Table 37-1. Table "version"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
table_name string 32 defaultno  

table_version unsigned int not specified 0no  

Table 37-2. Table "version" indexes

t_name_idx uniquetable_name

Chapter 38. TCP_MGM support


This table is used for defining TCP connection profiles.

Table 38-1. Table "tcp_mgm"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique DB ID

proto string 8 'any'no  

Restrict this profile to a specific OpenSIPS supported protocol.

remote_addr string 43 NULLyes  

Remote network address in "ip[/prefix_length]" format, or the special values NULL or "any", which will both match any remote IPv4 or IPv6 address.

remote_port unsigned int not specified 0no  

Remote network port. A value of 0 will match any remote port.

local_addr string 43 NULLyes  

Local network address in "ip[/prefix_length]" format, or the special values NULL or "any", which will both match any of the OpenSIPS network listeners.

local_port unsigned int not specified 0no  

Local network port. A value of 0 will match any OpenSIPS listening port.

priority int not specified 0no  

By default, higher network prefix lengths will match first. The priority field can be used to override this behavior, with lower priority rules being attempted first.

attrs string 255 NULLyes  

A URI params string with various TCP-connection related flags or properties pertaining to specific OpenSIPS modules or areas of code.

connect_timeout unsigned int not specified 100no  

Time in milliseconds before an ongoing blocking TCP connect attempt is aborted. Default: 100 ms.

con_lifetime unsigned int not specified 120no  

Time in seconds with no READ or WRITE events on a TCP connection before it is destroyed. Default: 120 s.

msg_read_timeout unsigned int not specified 4no  

The maximum number of seconds that a complete SIP message is expected to arrive via TCP. Default: 4 s.

send_threshold unsigned int not specified 0no  

The maximum number of microseconds that sending a TCP request can take. Send latencies above this threshold will trigger a logging warning. A value of 0 disables the check. Default: 0 us.

no_new_conn unsigned int not specified 0no  

Set this to 1 in order to instruct OpenSIPS to never open connections to the "remote" side. This may be useful when there is a NAT firewall in-between, so only remote->local connections are possible. Default: 0.

alias_mode unsigned int not specified 0no  

Controls TCP connection reusage for requests in the opposite direction to the original one. 0 (never reuse), 1 (only reuse if RFC 5923 Via ";alias" is present), 2 (always reuse). Default: 0.

parallel_read unsigned int not specified 0no  

Set to 1 to re-balance a TCP connection for reading after a worker processes one packet. Set to 2 in order to have proto modules re-balance a TCP conn for reading before processing a fully read packet, but only if they have support for this (e.g. proto_tcp). Default: 0 (lock a connection in a TCP reader process for "tcp_con_lifetime" seconds at a time).

keepalive unsigned int not specified 1no  

Set to 0 in order to disable TCP keepalives at Operating System level. Default: 1 (enabled).

keepcount unsigned int not specified 9no  

Number of keepalives to send before closing the connection. Default: 9.

keepidle unsigned int not specified 7200no  

Amount of time, in seconds, before OpenSIPS will start to send keepalives if the connection is idle. Default: 7200.

keepinterval unsigned int not specified 75no  

Interval in seconds between successive (failed) keepalive probes. Default: 75.

Chapter 39. TLS_MGM support


This table is used for defining domains.

Table 39-1. Table "tls_mgm"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique DB ID

domain string 64 defaultno  

TLS domain name, uniquely identifies a client or server domain

match_ip_address string 255 NULLyes  

network address in "ip:port" format, or the wildcard value "*", used to match connections with a tls domain

match_sip_domain string 255 NULLyes  

FQDN used to match connections with a tls domain

type int 1 1no  

type of the domain : client domain(1), server domain (2) or both (0); 0 can be used only for default domains when the same specification is desired for both client and server

method string 16 'SSLv23'yes  

SSL method used by a certain domain

verify_cert int 1 1yes  

verify certificate: 0 - no, 1 - yes

require_cert int 1 1yes  

require certificate: 0 - no, 1 - yes

certificate binary not specified defaultyes  

certificate associated with a certain domain

private_key binary not specified defaultyes  


crl_check_all int 1 0yes  

check all crl: 0 -no, 1 - yes

crl_dir string 255 NULLyes  

crl directory

ca_list binary not specified NULLyes  

CA list

ca_dir string 255 NULLyes  

ca directory

cipher_list string 255 NULLyes  

the list of algorithms used for authentication and encryption allowed

dh_params binary not specified NULLyes  

specifies the Diffie-Hellmann parameters

ec_curve string 255 NULLyes  

specifies an elliptic curve which should be used for ciphers which demand an elliptic curve

Table 39-2. Table "tls_mgm" indexes

domain_type_idx uniquedomain, type

Chapter 40. Tracer


This table is used to store incoming/outgoing SIP messages in database. More informations can be found in the tracer module documentation at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/tracer.html.

Table 40-1. Table "sip_trace"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

time_stamp datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Recording date

callid string 255 ''no  

call ID from SIP message

trace_attrs string 255 NULLyes  

SIP URI of the user being traced

msg text not specified defaultno  

Full SIP message

method string 32 ''no  

SIP method name

status string 255 NULLyes  

SIP reply status

from_proto string 5 defaultno  

Source protocol

from_ip string 50 ''no  

Source IP address

from_port unsigned int 5 defaultno  

Source port

to_proto string 5 defaultno  

Destination protocol

to_ip string 50 ''no  

Destination IP address

to_port unsigned int 5 defaultno  

Destination port

fromtag string 64 ''no  

From tag

direction string 4 ''no  

Destination IP address

Table 40-2. Table "sip_trace" indexes

trace_attrs_idx defaulttrace_attrs

date_idx defaulttime_stamp

fromip_idx defaultfrom_ip

callid_idx defaultcallid

Chapter 41. User and global blacklists


This table is used by the userblacklist module for the user specific blacklists. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/userblacklist.html


This table is used by the userblacklist module for the global blacklists. More information is available at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/userblacklist.html

Table 41-1. Table "userblacklist"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

The user that is used for the blacklist lookup.

domain string 64 ''no  

The domain that is used for the blacklist lookup.

prefix string 64 ''no  

The prefix that is matched for the blacklist.

whitelist char 1 0no  

Specify if this a blacklist (0) or a whitelist (1) entry.

Table 41-2. Table "userblacklist" indexes

userblacklist_idx defaultusername, domain, prefix

Table 41-3. Table "globalblacklist"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

prefix string 64 ''no  

The prefix that is matched for the blacklist.

whitelist char 1 0no  

Specify if this a blacklist (0) or a whitelist (1) entry.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the entry.

Table 41-4. Table "globalblacklist" indexes

globalblacklist_idx defaultprefix

Chapter 42. User location


Persistent user location information for the usrloc module. More information can be found at: https://opensips.org/docs/modules/devel/usrloc.html

Table 42-1. Table "location"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
contact_id unsigned long 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 NULLyes  

Domain name

contact text not specified defaultno  

Contact header field value provides a URI whoses meaning depends on the type of request or response it is in.

received string 255 NULLyes  

Received IP:PORT in the format SIP:IP:PORT

path string 255 NULLyes  

Path Header(s) per RFC 3327

expires unsigned int 10 defaultno  

Unix timestamp when this entry expires.

q float 10,2 1.0no  

Value used for preferential routing.

callid string 255 'Default-Call-ID'no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

cseq int 11 13no  

CSeq header field contains a single decimal sequence number and the request method.

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this entry was last modified.

flags int 11 0no  


cflags string 255 NULLyes  


user_agent string 255 ''no  

User-Agent header field contains information about the UAC originating the request.

socket string 64 NULLyes  

Socket used to connect to OpenSIPS. For example: UDP:IP:PORT

methods int 11 NULLyes  

Flags that indicate the SIP Methods this contact will accept.

sip_instance string 255 NULLyes  

SIP Instance for this particular contact

kv_store text 512 NULLyes  

Generic Key-Value storage

attr string 255 NULLyes  

Optional information specific to each registration

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