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Documentation: DB schema - ver 1.4

Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 1.4 -> DB schema

Pages for other versions: devel 3.5 3.4 Older versions: 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4

DB Schema v1.4

OpenSIPS database tables

OpenSIPS database tables

OpenSIPS Development Team

Edited by

Henning Westerholt

Norman Brandinger

List of Tables
1-1. Table "acc"
1-2. Table "acc" indexes
1-3. Table "missed_calls"
1-4. Table "missed_calls" indexes
2-1. Table "dbaliases"
2-2. Table "dbaliases" indexes
3-1. Table "subscriber"
3-2. Table "subscriber" indexes
4-1. Table "usr_preferences"
4-2. Table "usr_preferences" indexes
5-1. Table "carrierroute"
5-2. Table "carrierfailureroute"
5-3. Table "route_tree"
6-1. Table "cpl"
6-2. Table "cpl" indexes
7-1. Table "dialog"
7-2. Table "dialog" indexes
8-1. Table "dialplan"
9-1. Table "dispatcher"
10-1. Table "domain"
10-2. Table "domain" indexes
11-1. Table "domainpolicy"
11-2. Table "domainpolicy" indexes
13-1. Table "grp"
13-2. Table "grp" indexes
13-3. Table "re_grp"
13-4. Table "re_grp" indexes
14-1. Table "imc_rooms"
14-2. Table "imc_rooms" indexes
14-3. Table "imc_members"
14-4. Table "imc_members" indexes
15-1. Table "gw"
15-2. Table "gw" indexes
15-3. Table "lcr"
15-4. Table "lcr" indexes
16-1. Table "silo"
16-2. Table "silo" indexes
17-1. Table "pdt"
17-2. Table "pdt" indexes
18-1. Table "trusted"
18-2. Table "trusted" indexes
18-3. Table "address"
19-1. Table "presentity"
19-2. Table "presentity" indexes
19-3. Table "active_watchers"
19-4. Table "active_watchers" indexes
19-5. Table "watchers"
19-6. Table "watchers" indexes
19-7. Table "xcap"
19-8. Table "xcap" indexes
19-9. Table "pua"
20-1. Table "aliases"
20-2. Table "aliases" indexes
21-1. Table "rls_presentity"
21-2. Table "rls_presentity" indexes
21-3. Table "rls_watchers"
21-4. Table "rls_watchers" indexes
22-1. Table "sip_trace"
22-2. Table "sip_trace" indexes
23-1. Table "speed_dial"
23-2. Table "speed_dial" indexes
24-1. Table "version"
25-1. Table "uri"
25-2. Table "uri" indexes
26-1. Table "userblacklist"
26-2. Table "userblacklist" indexes
26-3. Table "globalblacklist"
26-4. Table "globalblacklist" indexes
27-1. Table "location"
27-2. Table "location" indexes

Chapter 1. Accounting


This table is used by the ACC module to report on transactions - accounted calls. More information is available at:


This table is used by the ACC module for keeping track of missed calls. This table is similar to the 'acc' table. More information is available at:

Table 1-1. Table "acc"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

method string 16 ''no  

A method is the primary function that a request is meant to invoke on a server.

from_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

callid string 64 ''no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

sip_code string 3 ''no  

SIP reply code

sip_reason string 32 ''no  

SIP reply reason

time datetime not specified defaultno  

Date and time when this record was written.

Table 1-2. Table "acc" indexes

callid_idx defaultcallid

Table 1-3. Table "missed_calls"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

method string 16 ''no  

A method is the primary function that a request is meant to invoke on a server.

from_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_tag string 64 ''no  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

callid string 64 ''no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

sip_code string 3 ''no  

SIP reply code

sip_reason string 32 ''no  

SIP reply reason

time datetime not specified defaultno  

Date and time when this record was written.

Table 1-4. Table "missed_calls" indexes

callid_idx defaultcallid

Chapter 2. alias db


This table us used by the alias_db module as an alternative for user aliases via userloc. More information about the alias_db module can be found at:

Table 2-1. Table "dbaliases"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

alias_username string 64 ''no  

Alias username / phone number

alias_domain string 64 ''no  

Alias domain name

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

Table 2-2. Table "dbaliases" indexes

alias_idx uniquealias_username, alias_domain

target_idx defaultusername, domain

Chapter 3. Subscriber


This table is used to provide authentication information. More information about the auth_db module can be found at:

Table 3-1. Table "subscriber"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

password string 25 ''no  


email_address string 64 ''no  

Email address

ha1 string 64 ''no  


ha1b string 64 ''no  


rpid string 64 NULLyes  

The SIP Remote-Party-ID header identifies the calling party and includes user, party, screen and privacy headers that specify how a call is presented and screened.

Table 3-2. Table "subscriber" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain

username_idx defaultusername

Chapter 4. AVP Operations


This table us used by the avpops module to implement Attribute Value Pairs (AVP's). More information about the avpops module can be found at:

Table 4-1. Table "usr_preferences"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

uuid string 64 ''no  

Unique user ID

username string 128 0no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

attribute string 32 ''no  

AVP attribute

type int 11 0no  

AVP type

value string 128 ''no  

AVP value

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 4-2. Table "usr_preferences" indexes

ua_idx defaultuuid, attribute

uda_idx defaultusername, domain, attribute

Chapter 5. carrierroute


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provides routing, balancing and blacklisting capabilities. More information is available at:


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provide failure routing capabilities. More information is available at:


This table is used by the carrierroute module to provides routing, balancing and blacklisting capabilities. More information is available at:

Table 5-1. Table "carrierroute"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier unsigned int 10 0no  

This column contains the carrier id.

domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain. Additional domains could be used for example as fallback.

scan_prefix string 64 ''no  

This column contains the scan prefix, which define the matching portion of a phone number.

flags unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the flags used for rule matching.

mask unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the mask that is applied to the message flags before rule matching.

prob float not specified 0no  

Name of column containing the probability. The probability value is used to distribute the traffic between several gateways.

strip unsigned int 11 0no  

Name of the column containing the number of digits to be stripped of the userpart of an URI before prepending rewrite_prefix.

rewrite_host string 128 ''no  

Name of column containing rewrite prefixes. Here you can define a rewrite prefix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

rewrite_prefix string 64 ''no  

Rewrite prefix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

rewrite_suffix string 64 ''no  

Rewrite suffix for the localpart of the SIP URI.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the route entry, useful for larger routing tables.

Table 5-2. Table "carrierfailureroute"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier unsigned int 10 0no  

This column contains the carrier id.

domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain. Additional domains could be used for example as fallback.

scan_prefix string 64 ''no  

This column contains the scan prefix, which define the matching portion of a phone number.

host_name string 128 ''no  

This column contains the routing destination used for rule matching.

reply_code string 3 ''no  

This column contains the reply code used for rule matching.

flags unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the flags used for rule matching.

mask unsigned int 11 0no  

This column contains the mask that is applied to the message flags before rule matching.

next_domain string 64 ''no  

This column contains the route domain that should be used for the next routing attempt.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the route entry, useful for larger routing tables.

Table 5-3. Table "route_tree"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

carrier string 64 NULLyes  

This column contains the carrier name.

Chapter 6. Call-processing language


Table for the call processing language "cpl" module. More information is available at:

Table 6-1. Table "cpl"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

domain string 64 ''no  

cpl_xml text not specified defaultyes  

cpl_bin text not specified defaultyes  

Table 6-2. Table "cpl" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain

Chapter 7. Dialog support


Persistent dialog information for the dialog module. More information can be found at:

Table 7-1. Table "dialog"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

hash_entry unsigned int 10 defaultno  

Number of the hash entry in the dialog hash table

hash_id unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The ID on the hash entry

callid string 255 defaultno  

Call-ID of the dialog

from_uri string 128 defaultno  

The URI of the FROM header (as per INVITE)

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

to_uri string 128 defaultno  

The URI of the TO header (as per INVITE)

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

The tag parameter serves as a general mechanism to identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags, one from participant in the dialog.

caller_cseq string 7 defaultno  

Last Cseq number on the caller side.

callee_cseq string 7 defaultno  

Last Cseq number on the caller side.

caller_route_set string 512 defaultyes  

Route set on the caller side.

callee_route_set string 512 defaultyes  

Route set on on the caller side.

caller_contact string 128 defaultno  

Caller's contact uri.

callee_contact string 128 defaultno  

Callee's contact uri.

caller_sock string 64 defaultno  

Local socket used to communicate with caller

callee_sock string 64 defaultno  

Local socket used to communicate with callee

state unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The state of the dialog.

start_time unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The timestamp (unix time) when the dialog was confirmed.

timeout unsigned int 10 defaultno  

The timestamp (unix time) when the dialog will expire.

Table 7-2. Table "dialog" indexes

hash_idx defaulthash_entry, hash_id

Chapter 8. Matching and translation rules


This table is used by the dialplan module for the translation rules. More information is available at:

Table 8-1. Table "dialplan"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

dpid int 11 defaultno  

Dialplan ID.

pr int 11 defaultno  

Priority of rule.

match_op int 11 defaultno  

Matching operator for rule (0-equal, 1-regexp).

match_exp string 64 defaultno  

Matching expresion (regexp or string).

match_len int 11 defaultno  

Length of the matching expresion (used only for equal operator).

subst_exp string 64 defaultno  

Substitution expresion.

repl_exp string 32 defaultno  

Replacement expresion (sed like).

attrs string 32 defaultno  

General attributes string to be returned in case of rule matching.

Chapter 9. Dispatcher


This table is used by the dispatcher module. It contains the sets of destinations used for load balancing and dispatching. More information about the dispatcher module can be found at:

Table 9-1. Table "dispatcher"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

setid int not specified 0no  

Destination set id

destination string 192 ''no  

Destination SIP address

flags int not specified 0no  

Flags of destination SIP address

description string 64 ''no  

Description for this destination

Chapter 10. Domain


This table is used by the domain module to determine if a host part of a URI is "local" or not. More information about the domain module can be found at:

Table 10-1. Table "domain"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 10-2. Table "domain" indexes

domain_idx uniquedomain

Chapter 11. Domainpolicy


Table for the domainpolicy module. More information at

Table 11-1. Table "domainpolicy"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

rule string 255 defaultno  

Domain policy rule name which is equal to the URI as published in the domain policy NAPTRs.

type string 255 defaultno  

Domain policy rule type. In the case of federation names, this is "fed". For standard referrals according to draft-lendl-speermint-technical-policy-00, this is "std". For direct domain lookups, this is "dom". Default value is "type".

att string 255 defaultyes  

It contains the AVP's name. If the rule stored in this row triggers, than dp_can_connect() will add an AVP with that name.

val string 128 defaultyes  

It contains the values for AVPs created by dp_can_connect(). Default value is "val"

description string 255 defaultno  

Comment about the rule

Table 11-2. Table "domainpolicy" indexes

rav_idx uniquerule, att, val

rule_idx defaultrule

Chapter 12. Extensions


Chapter 13. Group checking


This table us used by the group module as a means of group membership checking. Used primarily for Access Control Lists (ACL's). More information about the group module can be found at:


This table is used by the group module to check membership based on regular expressions. More information about the group module can be found at:

Table 13-1. Table "grp"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

grp string 64 ''no  

Group name

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 13-2. Table "grp" indexes

account_group_idx uniqueusername, domain, grp

Table 13-3. Table "re_grp"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

reg_exp string 128 ''no  

Regular expression

group_id int 11 0no  

Group ID

Table 13-4. Table "re_grp" indexes

group_idx defaultgroup_id

Chapter 14. Instant Message Conference


Room table for the IMC module. More information at


Member table for the IMC module. More information at

Table 14-1. Table "imc_rooms"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

name string 64 defaultno  

Name of the room

domain string 64 defaultno  

Domain of the room

flag int 11 defaultno  


Table 14-2. Table "imc_rooms" indexes

name_domain_idx uniquename, domain

Table 14-3. Table "imc_members"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  


domain string 64 defaultno  


room string 64 defaultno  

flag int 11 defaultno  


Table 14-4. Table "imc_members" indexes

account_room_idx uniqueusername, domain, room

Chapter 15. Least-cost Routing


This table contains Least Cost Routing Gateway definitions for the LCR module. More information can be found at:


This table is used by the lcr (Least Cost Routing) rules. More information can be found at:

Table 15-1. Table "gw"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

gw_name string 128 defaultno  

Gateway Name

grp_id unsigned int not specified defaultno  

Gateway ID

ip_addr string 15 defaultno  

IP Address of the gateway

port unsigned short not specified defaultyes  

Port of the gateway

uri_scheme unsigned char not specified defaultyes  

URI scheme of the gateway

transport unsigned char not specified defaultyes  

Transport type to be used for the gateway

strip unsigned char not specified defaultyes  

The number of digits to strip from Request URI user part before inserting tag

tag string 16 NULLyes  

Request URI user part tag

flags unsigned int not specified 0no  

Gateway specific flags

Table 15-2. Table "gw" indexes

gw_name_idx uniquegw_name

grp_id_idx defaultgrp_id

Table 15-3. Table "lcr"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

prefix string 16 NULLyes  

Prefix of Request URI user part

from_uri string 64 NULLyes  

Pattern that is matched to caller's URI

grp_id unsigned int not specified defaultno  

Group ID

priority unsigned int not specified defaultno  


Table 15-4. Table "lcr" indexes

prefix_idx defaultprefix

from_uri_idx defaultfrom_uri

grp_id_idx defaultgrp_id

Chapter 16. Message Storage


This table us used by the msilo module to provide offline message storage More information about the msilo module can be found at:

Table 16-1. Table "silo"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

src_addr string 128 ''no  

Source address - From URI

dst_addr string 128 ''no  

Destination address - To URI

username string 64 ''no  

SIP domain of target user

domain string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number of target user

inc_time int not specified 0no  

Incoming time

exp_time int not specified 0no  

Expiration time

snd_time int not specified 0no  

Reminder send time

ctype string 32 'text/plain'no  

Content type

body binary not specified ''no  

Body of the message

Table 16-2. Table "silo" indexes

account_idx defaultusername, domain

Chapter 17. Prefix-Domain Translation


Prefix-Domain Translation means to change the host and port in R-URI, based on the prefix found in R-URI and source domain (that is domain in From-URI). More information can be found at:

Table 17-1. Table "pdt"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

sdomain string 128 defaultno  

Source domain

prefix string 32 defaultno  

Prefix found in the username part of R-URI.

domain string 128 ''no  

Domain corresponding to (sdomain, prefix) pair where the message must be sent.

Table 17-2. Table "pdt" indexes

sdomain_prefix_idx uniquesdomain, prefix

Chapter 18. Permissions


This table is used by the permissions module to determine if a call has the appropriate permission to be established. More information about the permissions module can be found at:


This table is used by the permissions module. More information is available at:

Table 18-1. Table "trusted"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

src_ip string 50 defaultno  

Source address is equal to source address of request

proto string 4 defaultno  

Transport protocol is either "any" or equal to transport protocol of request. Possible values that can be stored are "any", "udp", "tcp", "tls", and "sctp".

from_pattern string 64 NULLyes  

Regular expression matches From URI of request.

tag string 32 defaultyes  


Table 18-2. Table "trusted" indexes

peer_idx defaultsrc_ip

Table 18-3. Table "address"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

grp unsigned short 5 0no  


ip_addr string 15 defaultno  

IP address

mask char not specified 32no  

Network mask

port unsigned short 5 0no  


Chapter 19. Presence


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at:


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at:


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at:


Table for the presence module. More information can be found at:


Table for the presence related pua module. More information can be found at:

Table 19-1. Table "presentity"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

User name

domain string 64 defaultno  


event string 64 defaultno  


etag string 64 defaultno  

User name

expires int 11 defaultno  


received_time int 11 defaultno  

Reveived time

body binary not specified defaultno  

sender string 128 defaultno  

Sender contact

Table 19-2. Table "presentity" indexes

presentity_idx uniqueusername, domain, event, etag

Table 19-3. Table "active_watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 128 defaultno  

Presence URI

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

From User

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

From Domain

to_user string 64 defaultno  

To User

to_domain string 64 defaultno  

To Domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

event_id string 64 defaultyes  

Event ID

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

TO tag

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

From tag

callid string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

local_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Local cseq

remote_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Remote cseq

contact string 64 defaultno  


record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

expires int 11 defaultno  


status int 11 2no  


reason string 64 defaultno  


version int 11 0no  


socket_info string 64 defaultno  

Socket info

local_contact string 128 defaultno  

Local contact

Table 19-4. Table "active_watchers" indexes

active_watchers_idx uniquepresentity_uri, callid, to_tag, from_tag

Table 19-5. Table "watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 128 defaultno  

Presentity Uri

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

Watcher User

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

Watcher Domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

status int 11 defaultno  


reason string 64 defaultyes  


inserted_time int 11 defaultno  

Table 19-6. Table "watchers" indexes

watcher_idx uniquepresentity_uri, watcher_username, watcher_domain, event

Table 19-7. Table "xcap"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

username string 64 defaultno  

User name

domain string 64 defaultno  


doc binary not specified defaultno  


doc_type int 11 defaultno  

Document type

etag string 64 defaultno  

Document Etag

source int 11 defaultno  

Entity inserting the record

doc_uri string 128 defaultno  

Document uri

port int 11 defaultno  

XCAP server port

Table 19-8. Table "xcap" indexes

account_doc_type_idx uniqueusername, domain, doc_type, doc_uri

source_idx defaultsource

Table 19-9. Table "pua"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

pres_uri string 128 defaultno  


pres_id string 64 defaultno  


event int 11 defaultno  


expires int 11 defaultno  


desired_expires int 11 defaultno  

Desired Expires

flag int 11 defaultno  


etag string 64 defaultno  


tuple_id string 64 defaultyes  

Tuple ID

watcher_uri string 128 defaultno  

Watcher URI

call_id string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

To tag

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

To tag

cseq int 11 defaultno  

record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

contact string 128 defaultno  


remote_contact string 128 defaultno  

Remote contact

version int 11 defaultno  

extra_headers text not specified defaultno  

Extra Headers

Chapter 20. Registrar


This table for the registrar module is similar to the "location" table, (the aliases index makes lookup of missed calls much faster). Thus, the function lookup("alias") can be used to map aliases to AORs. More information is available at: Most people uses the dbaliases table with the alias_db module now.

Table 20-1. Table "aliases"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Alias Username / Phone Number

domain string 64 NULLyes  

Domain name

contact string 255 ''no  

Contact header field value provides a URI whoses meaning depends on the type of request or response it is in.

received string 128 NULLyes  

Received IP:PORT in the format SIP:IP:PORT

path string 128 NULLyes  

Path Header(s) per RFC 3327

expires datetime not specified '2020-05-28 21:32:15'no  

Date and time when this entry expires.

q float 10,2 1.0no  

Value used for preferential routing.

callid string 255 'Default-Call-ID'no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

cseq int 11 13no  

CSeq header field contains a single decimal sequence number and the request method.

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this entry was last modified.

flags int 11 0no  


cflags int 11 0no  


user_agent string 255 ''no  

User-Agent header field contains information about the UAC originating the request.

socket string 64 NULLyes  

Socket used to connect to OpenSIPS. For example: UDP:IP:PORT

methods int 11 NULLyes  

Flags that indicate the SIP Methods this contact will accept.

Table 20-2. Table "aliases" indexes

alias_idx defaultusername, domain, contact

Chapter 21. RLS


Table for the RLS module.


Table for RLS module used for storing resource lists subscribe information.

Table 21-1. Table "rls_presentity"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

rlsubs_did string 255 defaultno  

Resource list subscribe dialog id

resource_uri string 128 defaultno  

List Uri

content_type string 64 defaultno  


presence_state binary not specified defaultno  

expires int 11 defaultno  


updated int 11 defaultno  

Update flag

auth_state int 11 defaultno  

Watcher authorization state

reason string 64 defaultno  

reason for watcher authorization state

Table 21-2. Table "rls_presentity" indexes

rls_presentity_idx uniquerlsubs_did, resource_uri

updated_idx defaultupdated

Table 21-3. Table "rls_watchers"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

Unique ID

presentity_uri string 128 defaultno  

Presence URI

to_user string 64 defaultno  

To user

to_domain string 64 defaultno  

To domain

watcher_username string 64 defaultno  

From user

watcher_domain string 64 defaultno  

From domain

event string 64 'presence'no  

Event description

event_id string 64 defaultyes  

Event ID

to_tag string 64 defaultno  

To tag

from_tag string 64 defaultno  

From tag

callid string 64 defaultno  

Call ID

local_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Local cseq

remote_cseq int 11 defaultno  

Remote cseq

contact string 64 defaultno  


record_route text not specified defaultyes  

Record route

expires int 11 defaultno  


status int 11 2no  


reason string 64 defaultno  


version int 11 0no  


socket_info string 64 defaultno  

Socket info

local_contact string 128 defaultno  

Local contact

Table 21-4. Table "rls_watchers" indexes

rls_watcher_idx uniquepresentity_uri, callid, to_tag, from_tag

Chapter 22. SIPtrace


This table is used to store incoming/outgoing SIP messages in database. More informations can be found in the siptrace module documentation at:

Table 22-1. Table "sip_trace"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

time_stamp datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Recording date

callid string 255 ''no  

call ID from SIP message

traced_user string 128 ''no  

SIP URI of the user being traced

msg text not specified defaultno  

Full SIP message

method string 50 ''no  

SIP method name

status string 128 ''no  

SIP reply status

fromip string 50 ''no  

Source IP address

toip string 50 ''no  

Destination IP address

fromtag string 64 ''no  

From tag

direction string 4 ''no  

Destination IP address

Table 22-2. Table "sip_trace" indexes

traced_user_idx defaulttraced_user

date_idx defaulttime_stamp

fromip_idx defaultfromip

callid_idx defaultcallid

Chapter 23. Speed dial


This table is used by the speeddial module to provide on-server speed dial facilities. More information about the speeddial module can be found at:

Table 23-1. Table "speed_dial"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

sd_username string 64 ''no  

Speed dial username

sd_domain string 64 ''no  

Speed dial domain

new_uri string 128 ''no  


fname string 64 ''no  

First name

lname string 64 ''no  

Last name

description string 64 ''no  


Table 23-2. Table "speed_dial" indexes

speed_dial_idx uniqueusername, domain, sd_domain, sd_username

Chapter 24. Version

Table 24-1. Table "version"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
table_name string 32 defaultno  

table_version unsigned int not specified 0no  

Chapter 25. SIP URI checks


This table is used by uri_db module to implement various SIP URI checks. More information about the uri_db module can be found at:

Table 25-1. Table "uri"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 ''no  

Domain name

uri_user string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this record was last modified.

Table 25-2. Table "uri" indexes

account_idx uniqueusername, domain, uri_user

Chapter 26. User and global blacklists


This table is used by the userblacklist module for the user specific blacklists. More information is available at:


This table is used by the userblacklist module for the global blacklists. More information is available at:

Table 26-1. Table "userblacklist"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

The user that is used for the blacklist lookup.

domain string 64 ''no  

The domain that is used for the blacklist lookup.

prefix string 64 ''no  

The prefix that is matched for the blacklist.

whitelist char 1 0no  

Specify if this a blacklist (0) or a whitelist (1) entry.

Table 26-2. Table "userblacklist" indexes

userblacklist_idx defaultusername, domain, prefix

Table 26-3. Table "globalblacklist"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

prefix string 64 ''no  

The prefix that is matched for the blacklist.

whitelist char 1 0no  

Specify if this a blacklist (0) or a whitelist (1) entry.

description string 255 NULLyes  

A comment for the entry.

Table 26-4. Table "globalblacklist" indexes

globalblacklist_idx defaultprefix

Chapter 27. User location


Persistent user location information for the usrloc module. More information can be found at:

Table 27-1. Table "location"

nametypesizedefaultnullkeyextra attributesdescription
id unsigned int 10 defaultnoprimaryautoincrement

unique ID

username string 64 ''no  

Username / phone number

domain string 64 NULLyes  

Domain name

contact string 255 ''no  

Contact header field value provides a URI whoses meaning depends on the type of request or response it is in.

received string 128 NULLyes  

Received IP:PORT in the format SIP:IP:PORT

path string 128 NULLyes  

Path Header(s) per RFC 3327

expires datetime not specified '2020-05-28 21:32:15'no  

Date and time when this entry expires.

q float 10,2 1.0no  

Value used for preferential routing.

callid string 255 'Default-Call-ID'no  

Call-ID header field uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all registrations of a particular client.

cseq int 11 13no  

CSeq header field contains a single decimal sequence number and the request method.

last_modified datetime not specified '1900-01-01 00:00:01'no  

Date and time when this entry was last modified.

flags int 11 0no  


cflags int 11 0no  


user_agent string 255 ''no  

User-Agent header field contains information about the UAC originating the request.

socket string 64 NULLyes  

Socket used to connect to OpenSIPS. For example: UDP:IP:PORT

methods int 11 NULLyes  

Flags that indicate the SIP Methods this contact will accept.

Table 27-2. Table "location" indexes

account_contact_idx defaultusername, domain, contact

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