Documentation |
Documentation.Conformance-Tests-3-5 HistoryHide minor edits - Show changes to markup April 04, 2023, at 08:48 AM
- Changed line 34 from:
git pull --rebase to:
git pull --rebase Changed line 42 from:
sipssert * to:
sipssert * April 04, 2023, at 08:48 AM
- Changed lines 29-30 from:
git clone -b 3.5 cd sipssert-opensips-tests to:
git clone -b 3.5 Changed line 32 from:
If the repository has been previously cloned, make sure you keep it up to date by going to the tests' directory and run: to:
Navigate to the tests' directory. If the repository has been previously cloned, make sure you keep it up to date by running: April 04, 2023, at 08:47 AM
- Changed lines 22-27 from:
Next, we need to fetch the tests available for the OpenSIPS version we are targeting the tests for. For the initial setup, we need to clone the repository: to:
Next, we need to fetch the tests available. For the initial setup, we need to clone the repository: git clone If you are targeting a stable release, make sure you specify the OpenSIPS branch/version you need: April 04, 2023, at 08:45 AM
- Added lines 1-48:
Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 3.5 -> Binary Internal Interface(:title Conformance Tests - 3.5:) (:allVersions Conformance-Tests 3.5:)
Conformance/Conformity tests are being run in order to validate OpenSIPS behavior in certain scenarios. The goal is to provide insurance that any change to OpenSIPS' code (either due to bug fixes or new features) are running according to the desired specifications and that there are no regressions. To this end, we have developed a set of tests set that execute OpenSIPS in different scenarios with different SIP flows, and validate that all the involved components (OpenSIPS as well as databases, provisioning, SIP UAs) are inter-operating correctly and their behavior is the expected one. SetupThe first requirement is to install SIPssert - a testing framework capable of orchestrating complex conformance scenarios and verify their execution. You can follow the install instructions on the project's page. Next, we need to fetch the tests available for the OpenSIPS version we are targeting the tests for. For the initial setup, we need to clone the repository: git clone -b 3.5 cd sipssert-opensips-tests If the repository has been previously cloned, make sure you keep it up to date by going to the tests' directory and run: git pull --rebase TestingOnce SIPssert is in place and the tests repository is cloned, you need to navigate to the tests repository and run: sipssert * This command will run all the available tests sets, with the default configuration. If you want to test only a specific tests set, or only a specific test, you may provide additional arguments to the DevelopmentThere is always place for developing new tests, either to ensure old code behaves properly, either to prove that it does not - any contribution is welcome. Therefore, if you have a new test you want to include, feel free to open a pull request on the project's tracker. |