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Development -> Topics? -> OpenSIPS 3.0 Development Plan

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1.  OpenSIPS Scripting Language

  • add native preprocessing support (read more here)
  • allow any input type to any function (no more: "this parameter does not support pvars", etc.)
  • script parameters: get rid of annoying (and redundant) quotes around integers and variables
  • allow $var(foo) = "sip:$var(user)@$var(domain)";
  • avoid redundant, copy-pasted code (modparam("dialog", modparam("dialog", modparam("dialog", modparam("dialog", modparam("dialog"...)

2.  OpenSIPS Scripting Alternatives

  • evaluate / extend? the Python scripting support
  • inline code execution (alternative language): Do we want this / Is it feasible?

3.  Interacting w/ OpenSIPS

3.1  reload scripting routes
  • evaluate major issues with this feature. Any roadblocks?
  • group existing tree + adjacent code into a "holder" structure. This allows two script to be run in parallel: the newly reloaded one, and the old one which is still running the already started calls.
  • question: can script reloading work well without full dialog state?
3.2  MI Restructuring
  • unified MI input/output: JSON data
  • get rid of intermediary/abstracted command state: MI trees, nodes and attributes
  • new class of MI commands for controlling calls

4.  Module Improvements

  • B2B: rework such that we drop XML-based logic in favor of OpenSIPS script-based logic!
  • [NEW] RabbitMQ consumer

5.  Internal Rework

  • push all fixup_get_XXX_value() logic further up into the core, so modules receive ready-to-use inputs without requiring any bloat code
  • improve the module function API so it offers param validation/ranges/possible values + proper error reporting, as well as standardizing new parameter types (lists, dictionaries)
  • get rid of lazy evaluation! Why is the convoluted "lumps" API useful in the first place? Why can't we just keep all SIP message editing real-time (more intuitive too!), along with a clean codebase (with no lump application headaches and bugs!)?

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Page last modified on September 07, 2018, at 07:36 PM