From openSIPS

About: Version-3-4-0

About -> Available Versions -> 3.4.x Releases -> Release 3.4.0

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Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Migration from 3.3.x to 3.4.0
  2. 2. What is new in 3.4.0
    1. 2.1 OpenSIPS script
    2. 2.2 OpenSIPS Core
    3. 2.3 OpenSIPS Modules
    4. 2.4 aaa_diameter module
    5. 2.5 AVPOPS module
    6. 2.6 B2B_ENTITIES module
    7. 2.7 B2B_LOGIC module
    8. 2.8 CFGUTILS module
    9. 2.9 CLUSTERER module
    10. 2.10 DIALOG module
    11. 2.11 DISPATCHER module
    12. 2.12 DROUTING module
    13. 2.13 LOAD_BALANCER module
    14. 2.14 MID_REGISTRAR module
    15. 2.15 MSRP_UA module
    16. 2.16 NATHELPER module
    17. 2.17 PRESENCE module
    18. 2.18 PYTHON module
    19. 2.19 REGISTRAR module
    20. 2.20 REST_CLIENT module
    21. 2.21 RTPENGINE module
    22. 2.22 SIPMSGOPS module
    23. 2.23 TM module

1.  Migration from 3.3.x to 3.4.0

2.  What is new in 3.4.0

2.1  OpenSIPS script

2.2  OpenSIPS Core

2.3  OpenSIPS Modules

2.4  aaa_diameter module 🔗

2.5  AVPOPS module 🔗

2.6  B2B_ENTITIES module 🔗

2.7  B2B_LOGIC module 🔗

2.8  CFGUTILS module 🔗

2.9  CLUSTERER module 🔗

2.10  DIALOG module 🔗

2.11  DISPATCHER module 🔗

2.12  DROUTING module 🔗

2.13  LOAD_BALANCER module 🔗

2.14  MID_REGISTRAR module 🔗

2.15  MSRP_UA module 🔗

2.16  NATHELPER module 🔗

2.17  PRESENCE module 🔗

2.18  PYTHON module 🔗

2.19  REGISTRAR module 🔗

2.20  REST_CLIENT module 🔗

2.21  RTPENGINE module 🔗

2.22  SIPMSGOPS module 🔗

2.23  TM module 🔗

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Page last modified on June 11, 2024, at 01:54 PM