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About: Version-2-4-0

About -> Available Versions -> 2.4.x Releases -> Release 2.4.0

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Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Migration from 2.3.x to 2.4.0
  2. 2. What is new in 2.4.0
    1. 2.1 OpenSIPS script
    2. 2.2 OpenSIPS core
    3. 2.3 NEW SIPREC module
    5. 2.5 NEW EVENT_JSONRPC module
    6. 2.6 NEW JSONRPC module
    7. 2.7 CACHEDB_REDIS module
    8. 2.8 CLUSTERER module
    9. 2.9 CGRateS module
    10. 2.10 DIALOG module
    11. 2.11 DNS_CACHE module
    12. 2.12 FRAUD_DETECTION module
    13. 2.13 FREESWITCH module
    14. 2.14 JSON module
    15. 2.15 MANGLER module
    16. 2.16 MID_REGISTRAR module
    17. 2.17 NATHELPER module
    18. 2.18 PRESENCE module
    19. 2.19 RATELIMIT module
    20. 2.20 REGISTRAR module
    21. 2.21 REST_CLIENT module
    22. 2.22 RTPENGINE module
    23. 2.23 RTPPROXY module
    24. 2.24 SIP_I module
    25. 2.25 SIPTRACE module
    26. 2.26 SIPMSGOPS module
    27. 2.27 SIPREC module
    28. 2.28 SQL_CACHER module
    29. 2.29 TM module
    30. 2.30 USRLOC module

1.  Migration from 2.3.x to 2.4.0

2.  What is new in 2.4.0

2.1  OpenSIPS script

2.2  OpenSIPS core

"Load" statistics

OpenSIPS 2.4 comes with a complete re-design of the statistics that gives information about the OpenSIPS internal load. The load is defined as percentage of time spent in doing processing versus total time. Following the model of "top", there are three load values, calculated over different periods of time:

The new load class overs a more granular access to the load information:

Find the full list of available load statistics (and their description) here.

DB interface
InterProcess Communication (IPC) support
SIP Parser
Memory manager

2.3  NEW SIPREC module

The new SIPREC module in OpenSIPS 2.4 provides the means to do call recording to an external recorder using the SIPREC standard.


FREESWITCH_SCRIPTING is a new module that provides the ability to subscribe to arbitrary FreeSWITCH ESL events and receive/manipulate them inside the OpenSIPS script. It also allows the script writer to run arbitrary FreeSWITCH ESL commands. Read this blog post for detailed explanations.


The new EVENT_JSONRPC module in OpenSIPS 2.4 implements a transport protocol for the OpenSIPS Event Interface. Using this module, you can notify applications about OpenSIPS internal events using the JSON-RPC protocol.

2.6  NEW JSONRPC module

JSONRPC is a new module in OpenSIPS 2.4 that provides functions to run JSON-RPC commands on a remote JSON-RPC server, and retrieve the call's response back.

2.7  CACHEDB_REDIS module

2.8  CLUSTERER module

2.9  CGRateS module

2.10  DIALOG module

2.11  DNS_CACHE module

2.12  FRAUD_DETECTION module

2.13  FREESWITCH module

2.14  JSON module

2.15  MANGLER module

2.16  MID_REGISTRAR module

2.17  NATHELPER module

2.18  PRESENCE module

Added clustering capabilities in terms of full data sharing or/and federated clusters. The clustering support allows the presence node to share data between them (full sharing versus data partitioning with replication) and to synchronize/coordinate the nodes in terms of taking actions over data (broadcast & querying over the cluster, tag sharing).
The clustering support enabled several scenarios:

For a detailed description of those scenarios, please refer to the this blog post.
The subs_phtable_list MI command now includes in its output the Contact and the first proxy from Record-Route as next_hop; also listed subscriptions can be filtered by "From" and "To" URIs.

2.19  RATELIMIT module

2.20  REGISTRAR module

2.21  REST_CLIENT module

2.22  RTPENGINE module

2.23  RTPPROXY module

2.24  SIP_I module

2.25  SIPTRACE module

The tracing capabilities were extended in order to capture the following SIP messages which were not traced so far:

2.26  SIPMSGOPS module

2.27  SIPREC module

2.28  SQL_CACHER module

2.29  TM module

2.30  USRLOC module

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Page last modified on April 05, 2018, at 03:14 PM