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About: PerformanceTests-3-4

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Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Purpose
  2. 2. Overview
    1. 2.1 Setup Description
    2. 2.2 Hardware
  3. 3. Raw Results
    1. 3.1 Basic Calling Scenarios (transactions, dialogs)
    2. 3.2 Complex Calling Scenarios (B2B)
    3. 3.3 TCP Test Scenarios
  4. 4. Conclusions

A collection of performance tests and measurements performed on OpenSIPS 3.4, on various subsystems: database, transactions, dialogs, etc. These tests should give you a broad idea on what you could achieve on your own OpenSIPS setup using similar hardware!

1.  Purpose

The objective of the stress tests was to re-assess the performance of various OpenSIPS subsystems, ahead of the upcoming 3.4 beta release. Apart from putting updated maximum capacity numbers on these modules, the tests also pinpointed various performance bottlenecks in each scenario, thanks to code profiling.

2.  Overview

2.1  Setup Description

For all SIP traffic generation purposes, sipp was the main tool which got the job done. Being a single-threaded application, both the sipp UAC and UAS were found to reach their capacity limitation at around 2500 - 3000 CPS. So we simply scale them horizontally, by launching more clients and servers!

2.2  Hardware

3.  Raw Results

The following table shows the raw CPS data used in each scenario. Notes:

3.1  Basic Calling Scenarios (transactions, dialogs)

Unauthenticated Calls
Test IDDescriptionCPSAvg. CPULoad-1mAvg. IN/OUT TrafficProfilingNotes
1TM1300077%80%43 MB/sPDF
21 + RR1250083%84%42 MB/sPDF
32 + DIALOG1000095%94%36 MB/sPDF
4DEF. Script1050082%64%36 MB/sPDF
5.14 + DIALOG1000086%73%36 MB/sPDF
5.25.1 + TH(Call-ID)625091%88%20 MB/sPDF

Authenticated Calls
Test IDDescriptionCPSAvg. CPULoad-1mAvg. IN/OUT TrafficProfilingNotes
65.1 + AUTH 1k600054%65%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 60%+ CPU usage
75.1 + AUTH 10k600059%65%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 65%+ CPU usage
87 + Auth-Caching600065%57%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 0% CPU usage
97 + CDR600055%73%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 110%+ CPU usage
109 + Auth-Caching600058%71%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 70%+ CPU usage
117 + CDR-flat600058%67%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 70%+ CPU usage
1211 + Auth-Caching600065%55%26 MB/sPDFMySQL 0% CPU usage

3.2  Complex Calling Scenarios (B2B)

Test IDDescriptionCPSAvg. CPULoad-1mAvg. IN/OUT TrafficProfiling
13.1B2B - TH120064%60%8 MB/sPDF
13.2B2B - REFER100066%61%6 MB/sPDF
13.3B2B - Marketing90068%63%5 MB/sPDF

3.3  TCP Test Scenarios

Test IDDescriptionCPSAvg. CPULoad-1mAvg. IN/OUT TrafficProfilingNotes
14.1TM-Con-1-Read-01250066%58%42 MB/sPDFTest start: conn balancing
14.2TM-Con-1-Read-1----PDFNote: conn READ bug at high volumes, WIP
14.3TM-Con-1-Read-2----PDFNote: conn READ bug at high volumes, WIP
14.4TM-Con-N-Read-0400052%20%12 MB/sPDF
14.5TM-Con-N-Read-1----PDFNote: conn READ bug at high volumes, WIP
14.6TM-Con-N-Read-2----PDFNote: conn READ bug at high volumes, WIP

4.  Conclusions

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Page last modified on May 21, 2023, at 07:05 PM