[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs crashed

Ahmed Munir ahmedmunir007 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 16:10:36 EST 2017


Our OpenSIPs service crashed with below error;

Jan 11 12:16:19 QORBLPSIPROXY05 abrtd: Directory
'ccpp-2017-01-11-12:16:19-2807' creation detected
Jan 11 12:16:19 QORBLPSIPROXY05 abrt[65402]: Saved core dump of pid 2807
(/usr/sbin/opensips) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-01-11-12:16:19-2807
(70225920 bytes)
Jan 11 12:16:19 QORBLPSIPROXY05 abrt[65402]: Can't open 'core.2807':
Permission denied
Jan 11 12:16:19 QORBLPSIPROXY05 kernel: opensips[2807]: segfault at 29 ip
00000000004bae7a sp 00007fffdb7734d0 error 4 in opensips[400000+13a000]

We would like to know, what might be the reason for the crash.

Further added, there is another server we are running OpenSIPs, the
opensips child processes utilizing 100% of CPU and the system load average
reach around 'load average: 20.01, 18.03, 24.00' as normally it is below 1
(load  average).

After looking into logs, unable to find the info what might causing the CPU
to spike.

Please advise what useful steps to take for narrowing down this issue.


Ahmed Munir Chohan
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