[OpenSIPS-Users] Problem: INVITE port mismatch

Albert Vallespi Ofertas avallespi.ofertas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 12:07:58 CEST 2015

Hello again,

I have discovered that we can use the command t_relay with parameters, and
we have started using with this option.


The problem persists also with this command.
Opensips starts working well, but after some minutes it degrades and start
sending the INVITE with TCP wrong ports. (I supose opensips is using
destination port as source and viceversa)

With this situation we have seen some strange logs that could be related
with the issue.
Please see these logs below.

Could anybody help us to solve this issue?

Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:tcpconn_add_alias:
possible port hijack attempt
Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:tcpconn_add_alias:
alias already present and points to another connection (6 : 5060 and 38 :
Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:receive_msg: tcp
alias failed
Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:tcpconn_add_alias:
possible port hijack attempt
Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:tcpconn_add_alias:
alias already present and points to another connection (6 : 5060 and 38 :
Jul 15 04:55:12  /usr/sbin/opensips[28821]: WARNING:core:receive_msg: tcp
alias failed

2015-07-14 16:52 GMT+02:00 Albert Vallespi Ofertas <
avallespi.ofertas at gmail.com>:

> Hello again,
> I have also configures $du and $dp to the correct one.
> I am logging the $du before the t_relay and the log shows the correct port
> in the $du, but if I take traces I observe that the ports are not correct.
> INVITE is sent from opensips tcp port 5060 to a 64XXX port of the
> destination. It should be viceversa.
> Normally it takes some minutes working well with the correct ports, but
> after some minutes it degrades and opensips starts to send the INVITES with
> the TCP ports incorrects.
> Could anybody please help me?
> I have seen this thread, but I'm not sure if could be some related.
> https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/420
> Best regards
> 2015-07-13 13:54 GMT+02:00 Podrigal, Aron <aronp at guaranteedplus.com>:
>> Make sure you have the correct value set for $du /$dp most likely you
>> have some function overriding that.
>> On Jul 13, 2015 7:47 AM, "Albert Vallespi Ofertas" <
>> avallespi.ofertas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Aron,
>>> Yes, we have tested also with force_send_socket("tcp:eth2_IP:5060") and
>>> it happens the same.
>>> Do you think I should use the command this way?
>>> After a volume of correct calls, opensips degrades and start sending TCP
>>> INVITES to a different port that the indicated in the r-uri.
>>> We have test in so many ways with some of these instructions, but always
>>> happened the same.
>>> Thanks a lot for the answer
>>> 2015-07-13 13:39 GMT+02:00 Podrigal, Aron <aronp at guaranteedplus.com>:
>>>> Have you tried using force_send_socket()?
>>>> On Jul 13, 2015 5:35 AM, "Albert Vallespi Ofertas" <
>>>> avallespi.ofertas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>> We have re-checked the case, and I think there is no relation with
>>>>> "user=phone" parameter in the r-uri.
>>>>> We have verified that in our scenario, forwarding from UDP to TCP
>>>>> opensips sends INVITE in the TCP side to a wrong port.
>>>>> I think it changes origin and destination ports. This seems a opensips
>>>>> bug.
>>>>> - Network1 is using UDP, and opensips listens at port UDP:eth1_IP:5060
>>>>> - Network2 is using TCP, and opensips listens at port TCP:eth2_IP:5060
>>>>> 2015-07-10 19:46 GMT+02:00 Albert Ofertas <avallespi.ofertas at gmail.com
>>>>> >:
>>>>>> Hi to all,
>>>>>> We have a new opensips r.2.1 in a production environment where it is
>>>>>> configured between two different networks.
>>>>>> We are using always private networks, therefore there is not any NAT
>>>>>> or similar.
>>>>>> - Network1 is using UDP, and opensips listens at port UDP:eth1_IP:5060
>>>>>> - Network2 is using TCP, and opensips listens at port TCP:eth2_IP:5060
>>>>>> We have observed that when we forward an INVITE from Network1 to
>>>>>> Network2 sometimes there is a port mismatch in the outgoing INVITE.
>>>>>> This INVITE should go from opensipts TCP:eth2_IP:6xxxx (for example
>>>>>> 63445) to the remote peer that uses TCP:REMOTE_IP:5060.
>>>>>> What we have observed is that this INVITE many times and without a
>>>>>> logical explanation mixes the ports.
>>>>>> I mean, the r-uri is correct (example:  XXXXXX at REMOTE_IP:5060;transport=tcp;user=phone),
>>>>>> but the message is sent via TCP with the ports crossed.
>>>>>> The wrong INVITE is going from  TCP:eth2_IP:5060 to
>>>>>> TCP:REMOTE_IP:6xxxx.
>>>>>> We have observed that this incorrect behaviour in opensips is
>>>>>> happening when we are using the parameter "user=phone" in the request uri.
>>>>>> We have tested some minutes without the "user=phone" and we have not
>>>>>> observed the port mismatch then.
>>>>>> We must use the parameter "user=phone". This is a mandatory parameter
>>>>>> in our case because we are sending always this INVITE to a MediaGateway
>>>>>> that requires it to translate the uri and send the call to the telephony
>>>>>> network.
>>>>>> ¿Could you please help us to solve this issue?
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Albert Vallespí
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