[OpenSIPS-Users] Fwd: uac_auth() segfault

Justin Zondagh zondagh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 21:08:49 CET 2014

Thanks Bogdan, glad we could fix it.


*Justin Zondagh*zondagh at gmail.com

Cape Town | South Africa
skype: jrzondagh
m: +27 72 598 4887 | f: +27 86 546 1405
uk: +44 20 328 99610

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>wrote:

>  Hello Justin,
> Thanks for all your help - I managed to find and fix the bug - please
> update from GIT and try again.
> Best regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 25.03.2014 21:31, Justin Zondagh wrote:
> Hi Bogdan,
>  I placed the LM_DBG as follows
>          if ( is_script_func_used("uac_auth", -1) ) {
>                 /* load the UAC_AUTH API as uac_auth() is invoked from
> script */
>                 if(load_uac_auth_api(&uac_auth_api)<0){
>                         LM_ERR("can't load UAC_AUTH API, needed for
> uac_auth()\n");
>                         goto error;
>                 }
>                  LM_DBG("Loaded uac_auth api as found in script");
>         }
>  But nothing appears in the log on init.
>  I'm using the uac_auth() in a failure route
>  failure_route[ip_auth_fail]
> {
>          if (t_check_status("401")) {
>                 xlog("L_INFO","[$ci] Got 401 from Proxy\n");
>                  avp_db_query("select password from registrant where
> username = '$(avp(authuser){s.escape.common})'","$avp(authpass)");
>                  $avp(authrealm) = "";
>                  $avp(www) = $(<reply>hdr(WWW-Authenticate));
>                 avp_subst("$avp(www)", "/Digest\s//");
>                  #Get the realm from the www-auth header
>                 $var(numkvp) = $(avp(www){csv.count});
>                 $var(i) = 0;
>                 while($var(i) < $var(numkvp)) {
>                          $var(temp) = $(avp(www){s.select,$var(i),,});
>                          if ($var(temp) =~ "realm.*") {
>                                 $avp(authrealm) = $var(temp);
> avp_subst("$avp(authrealm)","/(realm=\")(.*)(\")/\2/");
>                                 #$avp(authrealm) := "asterisk";
>                         }
>                          $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;
>                 }
>                  xlog("L_INFO","[$ci] authrealm is [$avp(authrealm)],
> authuser is [$avp(authuser)], authpass is [$avp(authpass)]\n");
>                  #No need for loop prevention as Proxy sends 183 early
> media recording saying password is wrong, then sends 603
>                  if (uac_auth()) {
>                         xlog("L_INFO","[$ci] Built auth, sending back to
> Proxy\n");
>                          t_on_failure("ip_auth_fail");
>                          # the $du should really be uri as specified in
> Record-Route in 401, but using reply's source IP for now
>                         $du = "sip:" + $(<reply>si) + ":5060";
>                          xlog("L_INFO", "[$ci] Sending request with Auth
> header to [$du]\n");
>                         t_relay();
>                  }
>         }
>          if (t_was_cancelled()) {
>                 exit;
>         }
>  }
> *Justin Zondagh *zondagh at gmail.com
> Cape Town | South Africa
> skype: jrzondagh
> m: +27 72 598 4887 | f: +27 86 546 1405
> uk: +44 20 328 99610
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>wrote:
>>  Hello Justin,
>> In the 1.10 code, in the UAC module, in the mod_init function, the
>> binding to UAC AUTH module is to be done. See line 171 in modules/uac/uac.c
>>     if ( is_script_func_used("uac_auth", -1) ) {
>>         /* load the UAC_AUTH API as uac_auth() is invoked from script */
>>         if(load_uac_auth_api(&uac_auth_api)<0){
>>             LM_ERR("can't load UAC_AUTH API, needed for uac_auth()\n");
>>             goto error;
>>         }
>>     }
>> Maybe the is_script_func_used() doesn't trigger properly there - in what
>> kind of route are you using the uac_auth() function ? Could you place a
>> LM_DBG() in that 'if' statement to see if it goes in there ?
>> Thank and regards,
>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>  On 25.03.2014 14:28, Justin Zondagh wrote:
>> Hi Bogdan,
>>  I have found and fixed the bug. The uac_auth_api wasn't being loaded
>> before being called as you suspected.
>>  I added this code
>>          if(load_uac_auth_api(&uac_auth_api) < 0){
>>                 LM_INFO("Error loading uac_auth_api");
>>                 goto error;
>>         }
>>  before calling the API on the next line:
>>          crd = uac_auth_api._lookup_realm( &auth->realm );
>>  Seems to work now...
>>  How do we commit this to code base?
>>  Regards,
>> Justin
>> *Justin Zondagh *zondagh at gmail.com
>> Cape Town | South Africa
>> skype: jrzondagh
>> m: +27 72 598 4887 <%2B27%2072%20598%204887> | f: +27 86 546 1405<%2B27%2086%20546%201405>
>> uk: +44 20 328 99610 <%2B44%2020%20328%2099610>
>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Justin Zondagh <zondagh at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> They were the wrong way round, but swapped them and seems to have the
>>> same issue:
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