[OpenSIPS-Users] drouting get_group_id behavior

Александр Мустафин mustafin.aleksandr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 09:08:58 CEST 2013


I'm very confused by behavior of get_group_id function in drouting module (possible - is a bug).

I've got error in log:

ERROR:drouting:get_group_id: no group for user "7001#88888888888"@""
Sep 26 06:34:11 gate /usr/sbin/opensips[2324]: DBG:core:db_free_columns: freeing result columns at 0x7effc5585ff0
Sep 26 06:34:11 gate /usr/sbin/opensips[2324]: DBG:core:db_free_rows: freeing 0 rows
Sep 26 06:34:11 gate /usr/sbin/opensips[2324]: DBG:core:db_free_result: freeing result set at 0x7effc5585fa8
Sep 26 06:34:11 gate /usr/sbin/opensips[2324]: ERROR:drouting:do_routing: failed to get group id

But my rule in dr_groups table must accept all calls and get_group_id function must return groupid.

1) Why this function return error?
2)Can you explain me - which logic is implemented in this function?

    a. only user field must match with re (use_domain=0)
    b. user OR domain must match with re (use_domain=0)
    c. only domain must match with re (use_domain=1)
    d. user AND domain must match with re (use_domain=1)

use_domain description is not clearly for me ((

Opensips 1.8.1 - TLS

mysql> select * from dr_groups;
| id | username | domain | groupid | description |
|  4 | .*                 | .*            |       0      | TESTER      |

Best regards,
Alexander Mustafin
mustafin.aleksandr at gmail.com

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