[OpenSIPS-Users] openimscore and ims bench sipp

Ιωάννης-Άρης Θεοδόσης theodosits at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 21 16:06:29 CET 2012

Dear All , 

I have got stucked in this error which is not letting my test  systems start up and register users.I have got 1 virtual ip's (TS1 ) ,  who will be generating the load of 20 users.I have updated  /etc/limits.conf with the values mentioned in the site. I have run the ims_bench.pl script which has  generated  the .sh  scripts. Now when am running My  run_1.sh looks like this , 

./sipp -id 1 -i <TS1> -user_inf  ./ims_users_1.inf -rmctrl <manager IP>:5000 <SUT IP>:4060 -trace_err -trace_cpumem -trace_scen  -trace_retrans $*

As i am testing IMS Bench SIPp along with OpenIMSCore,  so am running OpenIMSCore at my SUT after updating it's database with 20  users. 

Any help on this issue will be much of help for me , 

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