[OpenSIPS-Users] RTP Proxy and opensip 1.7

sawyerzhang sawyerzhangdev at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 08:24:48 CEST 2012

Hi Folks,

I have installed opensips 1.7 without TLS support. Everything was fine expect there was an issue with nated clients. The RTPproxy did a trick and things were ok for a while. Now, sometime I am experiencing very strange behaviour. I just can't send or receive messages across the clients. And its so random that its hard to know what exactly went wrong. I have a strong feeling that it got to be something with routing logic.

Any thoughts?

Here is how I do it (X.Y.Z public IP), starting the rtprpxy:

rtpproxy -l X.Y.Z -s udp:X.Y.Z:8888 -F

And then I restart opensips:

opensipsctl start

I can see opensip can talk to rtpproxy in /var/log/syslog :

INFO:rtpproxy:rtpp_test: rtp proxy <udp:X.Y.Z:8888> found, support for it enabled
DBG:rtpproxy:raise_rtpproxy_event: no event sent

And here is snip from log while a UA is trying to send a message;

DBG:uri:has_totag: no totag
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=42124, isACK=0
DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=200
DBG:rr:find_first_route: No Route headers found
DBG:rr:loose_route: There is no Route HF

It seem routing part is broken but I wonder how come it can work sometime?


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