[OpenSIPS-Users] ICE and two clinets behind nat

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Tue May 24 09:06:55 CEST 2011


On May 23, 2011, at 10:24 PM, giti at dataproducts.ae wrote:

> Hi
> i have checked ICE betwean two cleints behind nat
> A:   and nat ip address is 174.x.x.x
> B:     and nat ip address is 175.x.x.x
> when i trace packets by wareshark , i have stun bindign request from A to
> be with in valdi ip address to B invalid ip address
> 0.100 to 1.2 and vise versa and clearle i dont have this stun request in
> clients .and ICE does not work

Can you rephrase? I fail to understand what you mean.

Also, can those two machines 'see' each other?

> if one of these clients use vpn and get valid ip like 83.x.x.x
> stun binfing request negotiote and i have ICE negotioaiton and ICE w
> now  , i want to know is there any way to re-write thse invalid ip in stun
> binding rqeust to clinet's valid ip address?

STUN binding requests are sent automatically, the only configuration setting you can toggle is the enabled flag.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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