[OpenSIPS-Users] Not enough free memory, will atempt defragmentation

Anca Vamanu anca at opensips.org
Mon May 2 13:57:25 CEST 2011

Hi Paris,

Please read this: http://www.opensips.org/Resources/DocsTsMem.


Anca Vamanu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 02/05/11 11:05, Paris Stamatopoulos wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've just noticed that my opensips has been giving out an 
> error all day today:
> WARNING:core:fm_malloc: Not enough free memory, will atempt 
> defragmentation
> And it eventually crashed. I am not sure if the warning is related to 
> the crash, but it looks like there is something wrong here. I didn't 
> have similar issues with 1.6.1. Has anyone experienced something 
> similar before?
> Best Regards,
> Paris

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