[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSips always returning cause code 503

Aman goforaman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 16:20:11 CEST 2011

Hi All,

I am facing some challenges in the testing of the OpenSIPs (V:1.6.2-tls),
OpenSips always returning cause code '503 Service not available, no more
gateways' to caller doesn't matter whatever it is getting from the carrier
(Screenshot as below) ... i guess its happening due to following code in

        else {
                t_reply("503", "Service not available, no more gateways");

 I looked into the forums and tried  t_reply("$T_reply_code");, but its
giving error,

                    unknown command <t_reply>, missing loadmodule?
                    Jun  1 12:59:46 [21787] ERROR:core:main: bad config file
(1 errors)

One more thing, its not showing the time in the field 'Time', do i need to
add some code to get the time print in the CDRToll SIP trace.

Any suggestions will really be helpful.

Amanpreet Singh *
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