[OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips-CP Monit is not working

Aman goforaman at gmail.com
Tue May 25 10:43:38 CEST 2010


          Need a help, i am getting the error on monit on OpenSIPS-CP that "I
can't connect!", when i run
monit -t for syntax check, its shows error,

May 24 10:17:26 opensips monit: /etc/monit/monitrc:241: Warning: include
files not found '/etc/monit/conf.d/*'
May 24 10:50:49 opensips monit: /etc/monit/monitrc:241: Warning: include
files not found '/etc/monit/conf.d/*'
May 24 11:08:14 opensips monit: /etc/monit/monitrc:241: Warning: include
files not found '/etc/monit/conf.d/*'

But this file does not exist on defined path, i have also skipped the
following configuration part in 'monitrc'

" check process opensips with pidfile /var/run/opensips.pid
#Below is actions taken by monit when service got stuck.
start program = "/etc/init.d/opensips start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/opensips stop"
# Admin will notify by mail if below of the condition satisfied.
if cpu is greater than 70% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu > 90% for 5 cycles then restart "

as this shows error opensips already icluded, please advice to make the
monit work.
Any suggestions are really appreciable.

Amanpreet Singh
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