[OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA not passing ACKs

Anca Vamanu anca at opensips.org
Fri Jan 29 11:56:38 CET 2010

Hi Brian,

opensipslist at encambio.com wrote:
> Hello Anca,
> Sorry for the delay.
> An lun., janv 04, 2010, Anca Vamanu schrieb:
>> There is a misunderstanding from your side in what the b2b scenario
>> documents are concerned ( please read carefully the documentation -
>> http://www.opensips.org/Resources/B2buaTutorial ).
> It's hard to figure out which document to read, as the documents are
> so unclear that they need documentation themselves. What I mean is:
> Why are there two documents listed on the website for the same
> thing. One called 'B2buaTutorial' and the other 'B2buaTutorial16'?
> Is the second a older document only useful for OpenSIPS 1.6.0, or
> is it a newer version of the document B2buaTutorial?
The documentation versions, as it is normal, refer to the version of 
code, so the newest version is for the devel branch. Anyhow, the only 
addition in devel is support for REFER scenario.

> There are also no links to plain text config files, and everything
> is HTML. A complete working route script is not available.
You are right about the scripts, I will add links to text files.
There is a complete working opensips script here:
>> The important thing is that there should only be rules in the
>> scenario for requests that need a special handling. In the prepaid
>> scenario - when the BYE from the media server is received the
>> caller must be connected to a human operator, so we have a rule for
>> this. All the other requests need only simple pass forward - so if
>> an ACK is received from one side it only need to be forwarded to
>> the other. 'pass forward' is the implicit action and it will be
>> applied to all requests that don't match a rule.
> Thanks for clearing that up (about the implicit action.) I think
> I understand better now, but still I would like to start from the
> beginning and use the supplied prepaid.xml (which I assume is
> correctly written.)
Yes, it is correctly written.
>> I see that you say that the prepaid scenario does not work for you.
>> What version are you testing with?
>   Solaris 11 x86 (nv-b91)
>   OpenSIPS 1.6.0 with TLS
> I've copied the example 'prepaid.xml' word for word from the URL:
>   http://www.opensips.org/Resources/B2buaTutorial16
> Here are the relevant parts of the route script:
> listen = udp:name.host.tld:5060
> listen = tls:name.host.tld:5061
> modparam("tm", "pass_provisional_replies", 1)
> modparam("b2b_entities", "server_address", "sip:b2bua at name.host.tld")
> modparam("b2b_logic", "script_scenario", "/pfx/etc/opensips/b2bua/prepaid.xml")
> if (has_totag()) {
>     if (loose_route()) {
>         # code here
>     }
> }
> if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE")) {
>     record_route();
> }
> if (is_method("INVITE") && src_ip != myself) {  # Start of B2BUA
>     if (!t_newtran()) {                         # logic block, do
>         sl_reply_error();                       # media announcements
>         exit;                                   # to users
>     }
>     b2b_init_request("prepaid", "sip:playsound at", "sip:playsound at");
>     exit;
> }
> if (src_ip != myself) {
>     if ($hdr(P-hint) != "outbound") {
>         append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n");
>     }
> }
> Does that look like it should work? What about the parameters
> ''? Is 't_newtran' necessary?
t_newtran is necessary because b2b should not handle retransmissions. 
And yes, the configuration file seems correct and should work. If it 
doesn't, try to find the exact problem. Check if there are errors in 
opensips log and watch the network traffic.
If you see something not working as in the schema from the 
documentation, send a detailed report.


Anca Vamanu

> Regards,
> Brian
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