[OpenSIPS-Users] Call Recording with mediaproxy

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Thu Jan 14 13:33:18 CET 2010

On 12 Jan 2010, at 12:58, Indiver wrote:

> Hi Every one,
> I'm running opensips with mediaproxy. I want to record particular  
> calls
> running thru my server. In rtpproxy call recording feature is  
> inbuilt. Is
> there any option for call recording using mediaproxy.

Not at the moment. It was planned but never implemented. The idea is  
to mark the packets with a certain flag and then add an iptables rule  
to also forward those packets to a given address. The support for  
marking the packets is already there, but the rest of the logic was  
not implemented.


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