[OpenSIPS-Users] Media-dispatcher

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Tue Jan 5 15:33:49 CET 2010

On 4 Jan 2010, at 21:00, Richard Revels wrote:

> Interesting.  I think you may have mentioned this before Dan but I  
> didn't catch it for some reason.  That makes installing media proxy  
> on CentOS / RHEL 5.x easier.  I've found that creating an RPM to  
> install python 2.5 (along with the 2.4 rather than upgrading it) and  
> then using the virtualenv package to use it in a sandbox for non- 
> distribution applications made things a lot easier too.
> So, looking at the INSTALL file it seems that the two changes needed  
> would be
> easy_install python-application<1.2.0
> and
> easy_install sqlobject==0.9
> I'll try that out this afternoon.  Will that <1.2.0 work for  
> easy_install or do I need to go find a specific version that I want  
> to use?

I'm not sure if easy_install can pick an earlier version. If it can,  
just specify 1.1.5. Otherwise you can find it here:


And you can install it with python setup.py install


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