[OpenSIPS-Users] [NEW] Media timeout detection and call termination

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Fri Dec 17 16:02:08 CET 2010

> As OpenSIPS is a proxy and at signaling level there is no continues
> traffic to help in detecting the ghost calls, such detection must be
> done at media level.


If this detection is done based only in the lack of RTP, then you could 
say that a UA that uses VAD (it doesn't transmit RTP when there is 
silence) timed out, but what really happened is that it was silent for a 
long time. How is the timeout condition detected?

Did this new addition deal with this situation?

Thanks and regards,

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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