[OpenSIPS-Users] Dialog does not remain persistent in OpenSIPs

urmi lakkad urmi.lakkad at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 11:51:37 CEST 2009


 I am using OpenSIPs-1.5.1 version. And I want to use DIALOG module
I have gone through the module documentations, and did the configuration.

When I make a call, the dialog should be created and the dialog entry should
be inserted into the database. My call is *working* fine. I have tested with
SIPp as well as with Grandsteam phones.
But the *dialog details is not inserted in my database*. Here in log I can
see, that the dialog is created and then *destroyed* as well. Again its
created and destroyed.

At the time of making a call, I have started the wireshark, to see whether
there is any error msg or not !! (something 400 ...) But there also, no

Can you please suggest me the solution of this ?

Below is my opensips.cfg file and opensips Log details.


 loadmodule "dialog.so"
modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag",1 )
modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 1)
modparam("dialog", "bye_on_timeout_flag", 6 )
modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 1)

modparam("dialog", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@
modparam("dialog", "db_mode",1)
modparam("dialog", "table_name", "dialog")
modparam("dialog", "from_uri_column", "from_uri")
modparam("dialog", "from_tag_column", "from_tag")
modparam("dialog", "to_uri_column", "to_uri")
modparam("dialog", "to_tag_column", "to_tag")
modparam("dialog", "h_id_column", "hash_id")
modparam("dialog", "state_column", "state")

if (is_method("INVITE"))
xdbg("\n\n---- Invite ----\n\n");
if( (create_dialog()))
# set_dlg_profile("caller");
xlog("L_INFO", " ------------------------------------------\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n Dialog status :: $DLG_status \n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n Dialog count :: $DLG_count \n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n---- successfully created the dialog ----\n\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n------------------------------------------\n\n");

  Opensips LOG
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:build_new_dlg: new dialog 0x2aaaad54d240
(c=f66285722c9082d6dda627f748f1d7c3 at,f=
sip:10000 at,t=sip:2222 at,ft=66d7b491a6e6a760)
on hash 2315
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=400
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:populate_leg_info: route_set , contact
sip:10000 at, cseq 4182 andbind_addr udp:
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:dlg_set_leg_info: set leg 0 for
0x2aaaad54d240: tag=<66d7b491a6e6a760> rr=<> ct=<sip:10000 at>
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:link_dlg: ref dlg 0x2aaaad54d240 with 3 ->
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:rr:add_rr_param: adding (;did=b09.97872922)

Dialog status :: 1
Dialog count :: 0
---- successfully created the dialog ----


Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:core:forward_request: orig. len=1294,
new_len=1442, proto=1
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad54d240 with 1
-> 2
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad54d240
with 1 -> 1
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x2aaaad54d240
changed from state 1 to state 5, due event 1
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:dlg_onreply: dialog 0x2aaaad54d240 failed
(negative reply)
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad54d240 with 1
-> 0
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: ref <=0 for dialog
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog
Aug 24 12:58:57 [3590] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list -
dlg 0x2aaaad54d240 [2315:580024441] with clid '
f66285722c9082d6dda627f748f1d7c3 at' and tags '66d7b491a6e6a760'

Thank you for your attention.

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