[Users] Capacity planning on OpenSER / SER

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon Jul 17 08:44:20 CEST 2006

Hamid Ali Asgari writes:

 > I was wondering on OpenSER and came to a Question: How can call routing to
 > SIP gateways be done based on their capacity? 

openser lcr module doesn't currently support gateway weights.  it routes
requests to gws of same priority randomly.

 > Lets say we have two SIP
 > gateways each capable of handling 60 cuncurrent calls. How could I tell
 > openser to forward the call number 61 to the next gateway? How would open
 > ser know if the first gateway has free resources (previuos calls ended), and
 > so on.

openser is not dialog stateful.  for that kind of application you would
need to design a protocol that allows gws tell their stuff to openser.

-- juha

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