dispatcher Module

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1.1. Overview
1.2. Dependencies
1.2.1. OpenSIPS modules
1.2.2. External libraries or applications
1.3. Exported Parameters
1.3.1. db_url (string)
1.3.2. attrs_avp (str)
1.3.3. hash_pvar (str)
1.3.4. setid_pvar (str)
1.3.5. ds_ping_method (string)
1.3.6. ds_ping_from (string)
1.3.7. ds_ping_interval (int)
1.3.8. ds_ping_maxfwd (int)
1.3.9. ds_probing_sock (str)
1.3.10. ds_probing_threshhold (int)
1.3.11. ds_probing_mode (int)
1.3.12. ds_probing_list (str)
1.3.13. ds_define_blacklist (str)
1.3.14. options_reply_codes (str)
1.3.15. dst_avp (str)
1.3.16. grp_avp (str)
1.3.17. cnt_avp (str)
1.3.18. sock_avp (str)
1.3.19. pvar_algo_pattern (str)
1.3.20. persistent_state (int)
1.3.21. table_name (string)
1.3.22. partition (string)
1.3.23. setid_col (string)
1.3.24. destination_col (string)
1.3.25. state_col (string)
1.3.26. weight_col (string)
1.3.27. priority_col (string)
1.3.28. attrs_col (string)
1.3.29. socket_col (string)
1.3.30. fetch_freeswitch_stats (integer)
1.3.31. max_freeswitch_weight (integer)
1.4. Exported Functions
1.4.1. ds_select_dst(set, alg [, (flags M max_results)*])
1.4.2. ds_select_domain(set, alg [, "[flags] [M max_results]"])
1.4.3. ds_next_dst([partition_name])
1.4.4. ds_next_domain([partition_name])
1.4.5. ds_mark_dst()
1.4.6. ds_mark_dst([partition_name], "s")
1.4.7. ds_count(set, filter, result)
1.4.8. ds_is_in_list(ip, port [,set [,active_only]])
1.5. Exported MI Functions
1.5.1. ds_set_state
1.5.2. ds_list
1.5.3. ds_reload
1.6. Exported Events
1.7. Installation and Running
1.7.1. OpenSIPS config file
2. Frequently Asked Questions
3. Contributors
3.1. By Commit Statistics
3.2. By Commit Activity
4. Documentation
4.1. Contributors

List of Tables

3.1. Top contributors by DevScore(1), authored commits(2) and lines added/removed(3)
3.2. Most recently active contributors(1) to this module

List of Examples

1.1. Set the 'default' partition'sdb_url parameter
1.2. Set the 'default' partition's attrs_avp parameter
1.3. Use $avp(273) for hashing:
1.4. Use combination of PVs for hashing:
1.5. Set the setid_pvar parameter
1.6. Set the ds_ping_method parameter
1.7. Set the ds_ping_from parameter
1.8. Set the ds_ping_interval parameter
1.9. Set the ds_ping_maxfwd parameter
1.10. Set the ds_probing_sock parameter
1.11. Set the ds_probing_threshhold parameter
1.12. Set the ds_probing_mode parameter
1.13. Set the ds_probing_list parameter
1.14. Set the 'default' partition's ds_define_blacklist parameter
1.15. Set the options_reply_codes parameter
1.16. Set the 'default' partition's dst_avp parameter
1.17. Set the 'default' partition's grp_avp parameter
1.18. Set the 'default' partition's cnt_avp parameter
1.19. Set the 'default' partition's sock_avp parameter
1.20. Set the pvar_algo_pattern parameter
1.21. Set the persistent_state parameter
1.22. Set the 'default' partition's table_name parameter
1.23. Create a new partition called 'part2'
1.24. Set setid_col parameter
1.25. Set destination_col parameter
1.26. Set state_col parameter
1.27. Set weight_col parameter
1.28. Set priority_col parameter
1.29. Set attrs_col parameter
1.30. Set socket_col parameter
1.31. Set the fetch_freeswitch_load parameter
1.32. Set the max_freeswitch_weight parameter
1.33. ds_select_dst usage
1.34. ds_count usage
1.35. ds_is_in_list usage
1.36. OpenSIPS config script - sample dispatcher usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

This modules implements a dispatcher for destination addresses. It computes hashes over various parts of the request and selects an address from a destination set. The selected address is then used as outbound proxy.

The module can be used as a stateless load balancer, having no guarantee of fair distribution.

For the distribution algorithm, the module allows the definition of weights for the destination. This is useful in order to get a different ratio of traffic between destinations.

Since version 2.1 the dispatcher module keeps its destination sets into different partitions. Each partition is described by its own db_url, table_name, dst_avp, grp_avp, cnt_avp, sock_avp, attr_avp and blacklists. Setting any of this parameters using modparam will alter the default partition's properties. In order to create a new partition the "partition" parameter should be used (see below for more details). If none of the 8 partition specific parameters are defined for the default partition, then this partition will not be created. If the default partition is created each undefined parameter from all other partitions will take the value of the corresponding one from the default partition. If there is no default partition, the default value specified in the parameter's description will be used. Functions taking set arguments will now take a set number preceded by a partition name and colon(i.e "part_name: 5"). If a set is not preceded by any partition name the default partition will be used. Thus, the following arguments are equivalent: "default : 4" vs "4". Remember that in order to be able to use a table from a partition, its name must be found in the "version" table belonging to the database defined in the partition's db_url. Also, in version 2.1 the "flags" parameter has been moved to ds_select_dst() and ds_select_domain() along with "force_dst" and "use_default" flags.

1.2. Dependencies

1.2.1. OpenSIPS modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • TM - only if active recovery of failed hosts is required.

    freeswitch - only if "fetch_freeswitch_stats" is enabled..

1.2.2. External libraries or applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running OpenSIPS with this module:

  • none.

1.3. Exported Parameters

1.3.1. db_url (string)

Database where to load the destinations from. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's db_url. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

NOTE: if you intend to use the default partition you have to explicity set this default db_url, otherwise OpenSIPS will not start (he value of global default db_url is not inherited here! ).

Default value is NULL. At least one db_url should be defined for the dispatcher module to work.

Example 1.1. Set the 'default' partition'sdb_url parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", "mysql://user:passwb@localhost/database")

1.3.2. attrs_avp (str)

The name of the avp to contain the attributes string of the current destination. When a destination is selected, automatically, this AVP will provide the attributes string - this is an opaque string (from OpenSIPS point of view) : it is loaded from destination definition ( via DB) and blindly provided in the script. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's attrs_avp. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.


Default value is null - don't provide ATTRIBUTEs.

Example 1.2. Set the 'default' partition's attrs_avp parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "attrs_avp", "$avp(272)")

1.3.3. hash_pvar (str)

String with PVs used for the hashing algorithm 7.


You must set this parameter if you want do hashing over custom message parts.

Default value is null - disabled.

Example 1.3. Use $avp(273) for hashing:

modparam("dispatcher", "hash_pvar", "$avp(273)")

Example 1.4. Use combination of PVs for hashing:

modparam("dispatcher", "hash_pvar", "hash the $fU@$ci")

1.3.4. setid_pvar (str)

The name of the PV where to store the set ID (group ID) when calling ds_is_in_list() without group parameter (third parameter).

Default value is null - don't set PV.

Example 1.5. Set the setid_pvar parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "setid_pvar", "$var(setid)")

1.3.5. ds_ping_method (string)

With this Method you can define, with which method you want to probe the failed gateways. This method is only available, if compiled with the probing of failed gateways enabled.

Default value is OPTIONS.

Example 1.6. Set the ds_ping_method parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "INFO")

1.3.6. ds_ping_from (string)

With this Method you can define the "From:"-Line for the request, sent to the failed gateways. This method is only available, if compiled with the probing of failed gateways enabled.

Default value is sip:dispatcher@localhost.

Example 1.7. Set the ds_ping_from parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", "sip:proxy@sip.somehost.com")

1.3.7. ds_ping_interval (int)

With this Method you can define the interval for sending a request to a failed gateway. This parameter is only used, when the TM-Module is loaded. If set to 0, the pinging of failed requests is disabled.

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.8. Set the ds_ping_interval parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 30)

1.3.8. ds_ping_maxfwd (int)

This parameter allows you to enforce a specific Max-Forward value for the SIP pinging requests generated by the Dispatcher modules. If not explicitly set, no value will be enforced and it let the Transaction Layer (TM module) to set a default Max-Forward value.

The accepted values are any positive integer values, including the 0 value.

Example 1.9. Set the ds_ping_maxfwd parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_maxfwd", 2)

1.3.9. ds_probing_sock (str)

A socket description [proto:]host[:port] of the local socket (which is used by OpenSIPS for SIP traffic) to be used (if multiple) for sending the probing messages from.

Default value is NULL(none).

Example 1.10. Set the ds_probing_sock parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_sock", "udp:")

1.3.10. ds_probing_threshhold (int)

If you want to set a gateway into probing mode, you will need a specific number of requests until it will change from "active" to probing. The number of attempts can be set with this parameter.

Default value is 3.

Example 1.11. Set the ds_probing_threshhold parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshhold", 10)

1.3.11. ds_probing_mode (int)

Controls what gateways are tested to see if they are reachable. If set to 0, only the gateways with state PROBING are tested, if set to 1, all gateways are tested. If set to 1 and the response is 408 (timeout), an active gateway is set to PROBING state.

Default value is 0.

Example 1.12. Set the ds_probing_mode parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)

1.3.12. ds_probing_list (str)

Defines a list of one or more setids that limits which destinations are probed if probing is active. This is useful when multiple proxies share the same dispatcher table, but you want to limit which ones are responsible for probing specific destinations.

Default value is NULL(none).

Example 1.13. Set the ds_probing_list parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_list", "1,2,3")

1.3.13. ds_define_blacklist (str)

Defines a blacklist based on a dispatching setid from the 'default' partition. This list will contain the IPs (no port, all protocols) of the destinations matching the given setid. Use the 'partition' parameter if you want to define blacklists based on other partitions' sets.

Multiple instances of this param are allowed.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.14. Set the 'default' partition's ds_define_blacklist parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "ds_define_blacklist", "list= 1,4,3")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_define_blacklist", "blist2= 2,10,6")

1.3.14. options_reply_codes (str)

This parameter must contain a list of SIP reply codes separated by comma. The codes defined here will be considered as valid reply codes for OPTIONS messages used for pinging, apart for 200.

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.15. Set the options_reply_codes parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "options_reply_codes", "501, 403")

1.3.15. dst_avp (str)

This is mainly for internal usage and represents the name of the avp which will hold the list with addresses, in the order they have been selected by the chosen algorithm. If use_default is 1, the value of last dst_avp_id is the last address in destination set. The first dst_avp_id is the selected destinations. All the other addresses from the destination set will be added in the avp list to be able to implement serial forking. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's dst_avp. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

For the 'default' partition the default value is $avp(ds_dst_failover). For any other partition, the default value is $avp(ds_dst_failover_partitionname).

Example 1.16. Set the 'default' partition's dst_avp parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(271)")

1.3.16. grp_avp (str)

This is mainly for internal usage and represents the name of the avp storing the group id of the destination set. Good to have it for later usage or checks. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's grp_avp. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

For the 'default' partition the default value is $avp(ds_grp_failover). For any other partition, the default value is $avp(ds_grp_failover_partitionname).

Example 1.17. Set the 'default' partition's grp_avp parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(273)")

1.3.17. cnt_avp (str)

This is mainly for internal usage and represents the name of the avp storing the number of destination addresses kept in dst_avp avps. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's cnt_avp. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

For the 'default' partition the default value is $avp(ds_cnt_failover). For any other partition, the default value is $avp(ds_cnt_failover_partitionname).

Example 1.18. Set the 'default' partition's cnt_avp parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(274)")

1.3.18. sock_avp (str)

This is mainly for internal usage and represents the name of the avp storing the sockets to be used for the destination addresses kept in dst_avp avps. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's sock_avp. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

For the 'default' partition the default value is $avp(ds_sock_failover). For any other partition, the default value is $avp(ds_sock_failover_partitionname).

Example 1.19. Set the 'default' partition's sock_avp parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "sock_avp", "$avp(275)")

1.3.19. pvar_algo_pattern (str)

This parameter is used by the PVAR(9) algorithm to specify the pseudovariable pattern used to detect the load of each destination. The name of the pseudovariable should contain the string %u, which will be internally replaced by the module with the uri of the destination.

Default value is none.

Example 1.20. Set the pvar_algo_pattern parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "pvar_algo_pattern", "$stat(load_%u)")

1.3.20. persistent_state (int)

Specifies whether the state column should be loaded at startup and flushed during runtime or not.

Default value is 1 (enabled).

Example 1.21. Set the persistent_state parameter

# disable all DB operations with the state of a destination
modparam("dispatcher", "persistent_state", 0)

1.3.21. table_name (string)

If you want to load the sets of gateways from the database you must set this parameter as the database name. Setting this parameter will only change the default partition's table_name. Use the partition parameter to create and alter other partitions.

For every partition the default value is dispatcher.

Example 1.22. Set the 'default' partition's table_name parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "table_name", "my_dispatcher")

1.3.22. partition (string)

Using this parameter the partition specific parameters (db_url, table_name, dst_avp, grp_avp, cnt_avp, sock_avp, attrs_avp, ds_define_blacklist) can be defined.

The syntax is: "partition_name: param1 = value1; param2 = value2; param3 = value3". Each value format is the same as the one used to define a specific parameter using modparam.

Whenever a new partition_name is provided, a new partition will be automatically created. The 'default' partition can also be defined using this parameter.

Example 1.23.  Create a new partition called 'part2'

modparam("dispatcher", "partition",
                    db_url = mysql://user:passwd@localhost/database;
                    table_name = ds_table;
                    attrs_avp = $avp(ds_attr_part2);
                    ds_define_blacklist = list2 = 4,6;")

1.3.23. setid_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the gateway's group id.

Default value is setid.

Example 1.24. Set setid_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "setid_col", "groupid")

1.3.24. destination_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the destination's sip uri.

Default value is destination.

Example 1.25. Set destination_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "destination_col", "uri")

1.3.25. state_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the state of the destination uri.

Default value is state.

Example 1.26. Set state_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "state_col", "dststate")

1.3.26. weight_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the weight for destination uri.

Default value is weight.

Example 1.27. Set weight_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "weight_col", "dstweight")

1.3.27. priority_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the priority for destination uri.

Default value is priority.

Example 1.28. Set priority_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "priority_col", "dstprio")

1.3.28. attrs_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the attributes (opaque string) for destination uri.

Default value is attrs.

Example 1.29. Set attrs_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "attrs_col", "dstattrs")

1.3.29. socket_col (string)

The column's name in the database storing the socket (as string) for destination uri.

Default value is socket.

Example 1.30. Set socket_col parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "socket_col", "my_sock")

1.3.30. fetch_freeswitch_stats (integer)

If enabled, FreeSWITCH destinations may have dynamic dispatching weights, refreshed at runtime, using the FreeSWITCH Event Socket Layer. For these destinations, an Event Socket Layer URL must be provisioned into the "weight" column, instead of an integer string. Some example values: "fs://:password@freeswitch.example.com" or "fs://user:password@". The default ESL port is 8021.

OpenSIPS will establish a connection with the given socket and periodically calculate/update the weights of these destinations using statistics pushed by the FreeSWITCH box.

The value for an automatically calculated weight ranges between 0 - 100. This is helpful when grouping normal destinations with FreeSWITCH ones.

The dynamic weights are recalculated every 20 seconds, as the stats arrive from FreeSWITCH. The update formula is shown below (FreeSWITCH stats are highlighted in bold):

weight = 100 * (Idle-CPU / 100) * (1 - Session-Count / Max-Sessions)

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.31. Set the fetch_freeswitch_load parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "fetch_freeswitch_stats", 1)

1.3.31. max_freeswitch_weight (integer)

The maximum weight of a FreeSWITCH ESL-enabled destination. This value is also used during startup/reload, when no stats from FreeSWITCH are available yet.

Important: When mixing normal destinations with FreeSWITCH-enabled ones in the same dispatching set, OpenSIPS will truncate any weight values that are larger than max_freeswitch_weight to the value of this parameter!

NOTE: OpenSIPS internally rounds weights to nearest integer, so larger max weight values will more accurately represent the current load on the FreeSWITCH boxes! For example, if you set this parameter to 1, the box will receive no traffic whenever either its CPU or session usage goes past 50%!

Default value is 100.

Example 1.32. Set the max_freeswitch_weight parameter

modparam("dispatcher", "max_freeswitch_weight", 1000)

1.4. Exported Functions

1.4.1.  ds_select_dst(set, alg [, (flags M max_results)*])

The method selects a destination from the given set of addresses. It will overwrite the "destination URI" of a SIP request ($du).

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • set - a partition name followed by colon and an id of the set or a list of sets from where to pick up destination address (variables are accepted). If the partition name is missing, the default partition will be used.

  • alg - the algorithm(s) used to select the destination address (variables are accepted).

    • 0 - hash over callid

    • 1 - hash over from uri.

    • 2 - hash over to uri.

    • 3 - hash over request-uri.

    • 4 - weighted round-robin (next destination). the destination's weight determines how many times it is chosen before going to the next one

    • 5 - hash over authorization-username (Proxy-Authorization or "normal" authorization). If no username is found, weighted round-robin is used.

    • 6 - random (using rand()).

    • 7 - hash over the content of PVs string. Note: This works only when the parameter hash_pvar is set.

    • 8 - the first entry in set is chosen.

    • 9 - The pvar_algo_pattern parameter is used to determine the load on each server. If the parameter is not specified, then the first entry in the set is chosen.

    • X - if the algorithm is not implemented, the first entry in set is chosen.

  • flags M max_results - If specified, this will be the flags which in previous versions were specified at startup. The flags are:

    • 'f'/'F' - the failover support flag,

    • 'u'/'U' - the user only flag - will specify that only the uri user part will be used for hashing,

    • 'S'/'s' - the force destination flag - which will skip overwriting the destination address if it is already set,

    • 'D'/'d' - the use default flag('D','d') - which will use the last address in destination set as last option to send the message.

    You can also specify these flags using PVs. The flags are being kept per partition.

    The second parameter, max_results represents that only a maximum of max_results will be put into the specified avp for failover. This allows having many destinations but limit the useless traffic in case of a number that is bound to fail everywhere. Since version 2.1, the last parameter cand be represented by a list of flags and max_results, separated by comma. You can specify either only the flags, either only the max_results parameter, but if you want to specify them together you have to use the 'M' character like this: flags M max_results.

If the character 'f' in 'flags' is set, the rest of the addresses from the destination set is stored in AVP list. You can use 'ds_next_dst()' to use next address to achieve serial forking to all possible destinations. If multiple dispatching groups are used, the AVP list is constructed based on the position of each dispatching id in the list: first one has the higher priority, followed by the second one and so on.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, BRANCH_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

Example 1.33. ds_select_dst usage

ds_select_dst("1", "0");
ds_select_dst("part2 : 1", "0", "5");
ds_select_dst("part3 : 1", "0", "fUsD");
ds_select_dst("part4 : 2,3", "0,1", "fuD M 5, fuS M 2");
# dispatch over multiple dispatching groups
$var(part_name) = "p4"
$var(setid) = "1, 2";
$var(alg) = "4, 2";
$var(flags) = " sFDU M 2, fuS M 3";

1.4.2.  ds_select_domain(set, alg [, "[flags] [M max_results]"])

The method selects a destination from addresses set and rewrites the host and port from R-URI. The parameters have same meaning as for ds_select_dst().

If the character 'f' in 'flags' is set, the rest of the addresses from the destination set is stored in AVP list. You can use 'ds_next_domain()' to use next address to achieve serial forking to all possible destinations.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, BRANCH_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

1.4.3.  ds_next_dst([partition_name])

Takes the next destination address from the AVPs with id partition.'dst_avp_id' and sets the dst_uri (outbound proxy address). If partition_name is omitted, the default partition will be used.This function is using the flags set in ds_select_dst or ds_select_domain.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

1.4.4.  ds_next_domain([partition_name])

Takes the next destination address from the AVPs with id partition.'dst_avp_id' and sets the domain part of the request uri. If partition_name is omitted, the default partition will be used.This function is using the flags set in ds_select_dst or ds_select_domain.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

1.4.5.  ds_mark_dst()

Mark the last used address from the 'default' partition's destination set as inactive, in order to be ignored in the future. In this way it can be implemented an automatic detection of failed gateways. When an address is marked as inactive, it will be ignored by 'ds_select_dst' and 'ds_select_domain'. This function is using the flags set in ds_select_dst or ds_select_domain.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

1.4.6.  ds_mark_dst([partition_name], "s")

Mark the last used address from partition's destination set as inactive ("i"/"I"/"0"), active ("a"/"A"/"1") or probing ("p"/"P"/"2"). With this function, an automatic detection of failed gateways can be implemented. When an address is marked as inactive or probing, it will be ignored by 'ds_select_dst' and 'ds_select_domain'. If partition_name is omitted, the default partition will be used. This function is using the flags set in ds_select_dst or ds_select_domain.

possible parameters:

  • "i", "I" or "0" - the last destination should be set to inactive and will be ignored in future requests.

  • "a", "A" or "1" - the last destination should be set to active.

  • "p", "P" or "2" - the last destination will be set to probing. Note: You will need to call this function "threshold"-times, before it will be actually set to probing.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

1.4.7.  ds_count(set, filter, result)

Returns the number of active, inactive or probing destinations in a partition's set, or combinations between these properties.

Meaning of the parameters:

  • set - a partition name followed by colon and an id of a set of dispatching destinations (variables are accepted). If the partition name is missing, the default partition will be used.

  • filter - which destinations should be counted. Either active destinations("a", "A" or "1"), inactive destinations("i", "I" or "0") or probing ones("p", "P" or "2") or different combinations between these flags, such as "pI", "1i", "ipA"... The filter parameter can have the following types:

    • string - the filtering flags are statically assigned

  • result - A pseudovariable for storing the result.


Example 1.34. ds_count usage

if (ds_count("1", "a", "$avp(result)")) {
if (ds_count("$avp(partition) : $avp(set)", "ip", "$avp(result)")) {

1.4.8.  ds_is_in_list(ip, port [,set [,active_only]])

This function returns true, if the parameters ip and port point to a host from the dispatcher-list; otherwise false.

Meaning of the parameters:

  • ip - string / pseudo-variable (as string) containing the IP to test against the dispatcher list. This cannot be empty.

  • port - int / pseudo-variable (as int) containing the PORT to test against the dispatcher list. This can be empty - in this case the port will excluded from the matching of IP against the dispatcher list.

  • set (optional) - a partition name followed by colon and the set ID of a dispatcher list to test against. If the partition name is omitted the default partition will be used. If the set id is missing, all the dispatching sets will the checked. If a partition name is specified then it must be followed by colon regardless of the set id being specified or not. -1 can be used as a wildcard to check in all sets.

  • active_only (optional) - search only through the active destinations (ignore the ones in probing and inactive mode).


Example 1.35. ds_is_in_list usage

if (ds_is_in_list("$si", "$sp")) {
	# source IP:PORT is in a dispatcher list
if (ds_is_in_list("$rd", "$rp", "2")) {
	# source RURI (ip and port) is in the dispatcher list id "2" of the default partition
if (ds_is_in_list("$rd", "$rp", "part2:2")) {
	# source RURI (ip and port) is in the dispatcher list id "2" of the partition called 'part2'

1.5. Exported MI Functions

1.5.1.  ds_set_state

Sets the status for a destination address (can be use to mark the destination as active or inactive).

Name: ds_set_state


  • _state_ : state of the destination address

    • a: active

    • i: inactive

    • p: probing

  • _group_: partition name followed by colon and destination group id. If the partition name is omitted, the default partition will be used

  • _address_: address of the destination in the _group_

MI FIFO Command Format:


1.5.2.  ds_list

It lists the groups and included destinations of all the partitions.

Name: ds_list


  • full (optional) - adds the weight, priority and description fields to the listing

MI FIFO Command Format:


1.5.3.  ds_reload

It reloads the groups and included destinations for a specified partition or all partitions.

Name: ds_reload


  • partition (optional) - name of the partition to be reloaded.

MI DATAGRAM Command Format:


1.6. Exported Events


This event is raised when the dispatcher module marks a destination as activated or deactivated.


  • partition - the partition name of the destination.

  • group - the group of the destination.

  • address - the address of the destination.

  • status - active if the destination gets activated or inactive if the destination is detected unresponsive.

1.7. Installation and Running

1.7.1. OpenSIPS config file

Next picture displays a sample usage of dispatcher.

Example 1.36. OpenSIPS config script - sample dispatcher usage

# sample config file for dispatcher module


check_via=no      # (cmd. line: -v)
dns=off           # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=off       # (cmd. line: -R)

# for more info: opensips -h

# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "signaling.so"
loadmodule "sl.so"
loadmodule "tm.so"
loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
loadmodule "dispatcher.so"

# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# -- dispatcher params --

modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")

	if ( !mf_process_maxfwd_header("10") )
		send_reply("483","To Many Hops");

	if ( !ds_select_dst("2", "0") ) {
		send_reply("500","Unable to route");



Chapter 2. Frequently Asked Questions


Does dispatcher provide a fair distribution?

There is no guarantee of that. You should do some measurements to decide what distribution algorithm fits better in your environment.


Is dispatcher dialog stateful?

No. Dispatcher is stateless, although some distribution algorithms are designed to select same destination for subsequent requests of the same dialog (e.g., hashing the call-id).


What happened with the ds_is_from_list() function?

The function was replaced by the more generic ds_is_in_list() function that takes as parameters the IP and PORT to test against the dispatcher list.

ds_is_from_list() == ds_is_in_list("$si","$sp")


How is weight and priority used by the dispatcher in selecting a destination?

The weight of a destination is currently used in the hashing algorithms and it increases the probability of it to be chosen(if we have two destinations with weights 1 respectively 4 than the second one is 4 times more likely to be selected than the other). The sum of all weights does not need to add up to a specific number. Weights are now used in the round-robin algorithm, a destination is chosen a number of times equal to its weight consecutively before going to the next destination.

The priority field is used at ordering the destinations from a set. It does not affect the overall probability of a destination to be chosen. It is reflected when listing the destination, the field can definetly be used in further selecting algorithms.


What happened with the list_file module parameter ?

The support for text file (for provisioning destinations) was dropped. Only the DB support (provisioning via a DB table) is now available - if you still want to use a text file for provisioning, use db_text DB driver (DB emulated via text files)


Where can I find more about OpenSIPS?

Take a look at http://www.opensips.org/.


Where can I post a question about this module?

First at all check if your question was already answered on one of our mailing lists:

E-mails regarding any stable version should be sent to and e-mail regarding development versions or SVN snapshots should be send to .

If you want to keep the mail private, send it to .


How can I report a bug?

Please follow the guidelines provided at: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues

Chapter 3. Contributors

3.1. By Commit Statistics

Table 3.1. Top contributors by DevScore(1), authored commits(2) and lines added/removed(3)

 NameDevScoreCommitsLines ++Lines --
1. Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (@bogdan-iancu)1408823951790
2. Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@miconda)82393372844
3. Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu)54391094305
4. Andrei Datcu (@andrei-datcu)48152153846
5. Ionut Ionita (@ionutrazvanionita)44171145969
6. Ovidiu Sas (@ovidiusas)3117705434
7. Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea)251940276
8. Henning Westerholt (@henningw)11793125
9. Carsten Bock11471318
10. Vlad Paiu (@vladpaiu)971729

All remaining contributors: Ionel Cerghit (@ionel-cerghit), Elena-Ramona Modroiu, Klaus Darilion, Anca Vamanu, Jarrod Baumann (@jarrodb), Walter Doekes (@wdoekes), Jan Janak (@janakj), Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul, Stanislaw Pitucha, Federico Cabiddu, Nick Altmann (@nikbyte), Konstantin Bokarius, Andreas Granig, John Riordan, Aron Podrigal, Julián Moreno Patiño, Kevin McAllister, UnixDev, David Sanders, Edson Gellert Schubert.

(1) DevScore = author_commits + author_lines_added / (project_lines_added / project_commits) + author_lines_deleted / (project_lines_deleted / project_commits)

(2) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits. Regarding imported patches/code, we do our best to count the work on behalf of the proper owner, as per the "fix_authors" and "mod_renames" arrays in opensips/doc/build-contrib.sh. If you identify any patches/commits which do not get properly attributed to you, please submit a pull request which extends "fix_authors" and/or "mod_renames".

(3) ignoring whitespace edits, renamed files and auto-generated files

3.2. By Commit Activity

Table 3.2. Most recently active contributors(1) to this module

 NameCommit Activity
1. Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu)Aug 2012 - Oct 2018
2. Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (@bogdan-iancu)Oct 2005 - Sep 2018
3. Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea)May 2011 - Dec 2017
4. Ionel Cerghit (@ionel-cerghit)Jul 2015 - Jun 2016
5. Ionut Ionita (@ionutrazvanionita)Jul 2014 - May 2016
6. Julián Moreno PatiñoFeb 2016 - Feb 2016
7. Jarrod Baumann (@jarrodb)Feb 2016 - Feb 2016
8. Ovidiu Sas (@ovidiusas)Feb 2014 - Jan 2016
9. David SandersSep 2015 - Sep 2015
10. Aron PodrigalFeb 2015 - Feb 2015

All remaining contributors: Andrei Datcu (@andrei-datcu), Vlad Paiu (@vladpaiu), Nick Altmann (@nikbyte), Walter Doekes (@wdoekes), Stanislaw Pitucha, Anca Vamanu, John Riordan, UnixDev, Kevin McAllister, Klaus Darilion, Carsten Bock, Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@miconda), Henning Westerholt (@henningw), Konstantin Bokarius, Edson Gellert Schubert, Federico Cabiddu, Elena-Ramona Modroiu, Andreas Granig, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul, Jan Janak (@janakj).

(1) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits

Chapter 4. Documentation

4.1. Contributors

Last edited by: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (@bogdan-iancu), Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu), Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea), Ionel Cerghit (@ionel-cerghit), Jarrod Baumann (@jarrodb), Ovidiu Sas (@ovidiusas), Ionut Ionita (@ionutrazvanionita), Andrei Datcu (@andrei-datcu), Vlad Paiu (@vladpaiu), Walter Doekes (@wdoekes), Stanislaw Pitucha, Anca Vamanu, Klaus Darilion, Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@miconda), Konstantin Bokarius, Carsten Bock, Edson Gellert Schubert, Elena-Ramona Modroiu.

doc copyrights:

Copyright © 2005-2010 Voice Sistem SRL

Copyright © 2004 FhG FOKUS