Copyright © 2006-2009 Voice Sistem SRL
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Revision $Revision: 8771 $ | $Date: 2013-01-29 13:35:11 +0100 (Tue, 29 Jan 2013) $ |
Table of Contents
test_and_set_dlg_flag(idx, value)
List of Examples
usagecalling match_dialog() function for topology hiding sequential requests
The dialog module provides dialog awareness to the OpenSIPS proxy. Its functionality is to keep trace of the current dialogs, to offer information about them (like how many dialogs are active).
Aside tracking, the dialog module offers functionalities like flags and attributes per dialog (persistent data across dialog), dialog profiling and dialog termination (on timeout base or external triggered).
The module, via an internal API, also provide the foundation to build on top of it more complex dialog-based functionalities via other OpenSIPS modules.
To create the dialog associated to an initial request, you must call the create_dialog() function, with or without parameter..
The dialog is automatically destroyed when a “BYE” is
received. In case of no “BYE”, the dialog lifetime is
controlled via the default timeout (see “default_timeout”
- Section 1.5.6, “default_timeout
(integer)”) and custom timeout (see
“timeout_avp” - Section 1.5.5, “timeout_avp
(string)”). The
dialog timeout is reset each time a sequential (except ACKs) request
Dialog profiling is a mechanism that helps in classifying, sorting and keeping trace of certain types of dialogs, using whatever properties of the dialog (like caller, destination, type of calls, etc). Dialogs can be dynamically added in different (and several) profile tables - logically, each profile table can have a special meaning (like dialogs outside the domain, dialogs terminated to PSTN, etc).
There are two types of profiles:
with no value - a dialog simply belongs to a profile. (like outbound calls profile). There is no other additional information to describe the dialog's belonging to the profile;
with value - a dialog belongs to a profile having a certain value (like in caller profile, where the value is the caller ID). The belonging of the dialog to the profile is strictly related to the value.
A dialog can be added to multiple profiles in the same time.
Profiles are visible (at the moment) in the request route (for initial and sequential requests) and in the branch, failure and reply routes of the original request.
Dialog profiles can also be used in distributed systems, using the OpenSIPS CacheDB Interface. This feature allows you to share dialog profile information with multiple OpenSIPS instaces that use the same CacheDB backend. In order to do that, the cachedb_url parameter must be defined. Also, the profile must be marked as shared, by adding the '/s' suffix to the name of the profile in the profiles_with_value or profiles_no_value parameters.
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
TM - Transaction module
RR - Record-Route module
If the statistics support should be enabled or not. Via statistic variables, the module provide information about the dialog processing. Set it to zero to disable or to non-zero to enable it.
Default value is “1 (enabled)”.
The size of the hash table internally used to keep the dialogs. A larger table is much faster but consumes more memory. The hash size must be a power of 2 number.
IMPORTANT: If dialogs' information should be stored in a database, a constant hash_size should be used, otherwise the restored process will not take place. If you really want to modify the hash_size you must delete all table's rows before restarting OpenSIPS.
Default value is “4096”.
The size of the hash table internally used to store profile->dialog associations. A larger table can provide more parallel operations but consumes more memory. The hash size is provided as the base 2 logarithm(e.g. log_profile_hash_size =4 means the table has 2^4 entries).
Default value is “4”.
Example 1.3. Set hash_size
... modparam("dialog", "log_profile_hash_size", 5) #set a table size of 32 ...
Name of the Record-Route parameter to be added with the dialog cookie. It is used for fast dialog matching of the sequential requests.
Default value is “did”.
The specification of an AVP to contain a custom timeout (in seconds) for the dialog. It may be used only in a request (initial or sequential) context.
Default value is “none”.
Make sure you call this before loose_route()
The default dialog timeout (in seconds) if no custom one is set.
Default value is “43200 (12 hours)”.
A string containing the extra headers (full format, with EOH) to be added in the requests generated by the module (like BYEs).
Default value is “NULL”.
Example 1.7. Set dlf_extra_hdrs
... modparam("dialog", "dlg_extra_hdrs", "Hint: credit expired\r\n") ...
How the seqential requests should be matched against the known dialogs. The modes are a combination between matching based on a cookie (DID) stored as cookie in Record-Route header and the matching based on SIP elements (as in RFC3261).
The supported modes are:
0 - DID_ONLY - the match is done exclusively based on DID;
1 - DID_FALLBACK - the match is first tried based on DID and if not present, it will fallback to SIP matching;
2 - DID_NONE - the match is done exclusively based on SIP elements; no DID information is added in RR.
Default value is “0 (DID_ONLY)”.
If you want to store the information about the dialogs in a database a database url must be specified.
Default value is “mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips”.
Example 1.9. Set db_url
... modparam("dialog", "db_url", "dbdriver://username:password@dbhost/dbname") ...
Describe how to push into the DB the dialogs' information from memory.
The supported modes are:
0 - NO_DB - the memory content is not flushed into DB;
1 - REALTIME - any dialog information changes will be reflected into the database immediatly.
2 - DELAYED - the dialog information changes will be flushed into DB periodically, based on a timre routine.
3 - SHUTDOWN - the dialog information will be flushed into DB only at shutdown - no runtime updates.
Default value is “0”.
The interval (seconds) at which to update dialogs' information if you chose to store the dialogs' info at a given interval. A too short interval will generate intensiv database operations, a too large one will not notice short dialogs.
Default value is “60”.
The interval (seconds) at which OpenSIPS will generate in-dialog pings for dialogs.
Default value is “30”.
If you want to store the information about the dialogs in a database a table name must be specified.
Default value is “dialog”.
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' callid.
Default value is “callid”.
Example 1.14. Set callid_column
... modparam("dialog", "callid_column", "callid_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the caller's sip address.
Default value is “from_uri”.
Example 1.15. Set from_uri_column
... modparam("dialog", "from_uri_column", "from_uri_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the From tag from the Invite request.
Default value is “from_tag”.
Example 1.16. Set from_tag_column
... modparam("dialog", "from_tag_column", "from_tag_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the calee's sip address.
Default value is “to_uri”.
Example 1.17. Set to_uri_column
... modparam("dialog", "to_uri_column", "to_uri_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the To tag from the 200 OK response to the Invite request, if present.
Default value is “to_tag”.
Example 1.18. Set to_tag_column
... modparam("dialog", "to_tag_column", "to_tag_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the cseq from caller side.
Default value is “caller_cseq”.
Example 1.19. Set caller_cseq_column
... modparam("dialog", "caller_cseq_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the cseq from callee side.
Default value is “callee_cseq”.
Example 1.20. Set callee_cseq_column
... modparam("dialog", "callee_cseq_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the route records from caller side (proxy to caller).
Default value is “caller_route_set”.
Example 1.21. Set caller_route_column
... modparam("dialog", "caller_route_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the route records from callee side (proxy to callee).
Default value is “callee_route_set”.
Example 1.22. Set to_route_column
... modparam("dialog", "to_route_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the caller's contact uri.
Default value is “from_contact”.
Example 1.23. Set caller_contact_column
... modparam("dialog", "caller_contact_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the callee's contact uri.
Default value is “callee_contact”.
Example 1.24. Set callee_contact_column
... modparam("dialog", "callee_contact_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the information about the local interface receiving the traffic from caller.
Default value is “caller_sock”.
Example 1.25. Set caller_sock_column
... modparam("dialog", "caller_sock_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store information about the local interface receiving the traffic from callee.
Default value is “callee_contact”.
Example 1.26. Set callee_sock_column
... modparam("dialog", "callee_sock_column", "column_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' id information.
Default value is “hash_id”.
Example 1.27. Set dlg_id_column
... modparam("dialog", "dlg_id_column", "dlg_id_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' state information.
Default value is “state”.
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' start time information.
Default value is “start_time”.
Example 1.29. Set start_time_column
... modparam("dialog", "start_time_column", "start_time_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' timeout.
Default value is “timeout”.
Example 1.30. Set timeout_column
... modparam("dialog", "timeout_column", "timeout_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' profiles.
Default value is “profiles”.
Example 1.31. Set profiles_column
... modparam("dialog", "profiles_column", "profiles_c_name") ...
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' vars.
Default value is “vars”.
The column's name in the database to store the dialogs' script flags.
Default value is “script_flags”.
Example 1.33. Set sflags_column
... modparam("dialog", "sflags_column", "sflags_c_name") ...
List of names for profiles with values.
Default value is “empty”.
Example 1.34. Set profiles_with_value
... modparam("dialog", "profiles_with_value", "caller ; my_profile; share/s") ...
List of names for profiles without values.
Default value is “empty”.
Example 1.35. Set profiles_no_value
... modparam("dialog", "profiles_no_value", "inbound ; outbound ; shared/s") ...
Pushes dialog values, profiles and flags into the database along with other dialog state information (see db_mode 1 and 2).
Default value is “empty”.
Example 1.36. Set db_flush_vals_profiles
... modparam("dialog", "db_flush_vals_profiles", 1) ...
Whether the dialog timer should be a sepparate process or if the tasks should be done in the global timer process.
Default value is “0”, run the timer in the global process.
The number of dialogs that should be attempted to be deleted at the same time ( a single query ) from the DB back-end.
Default value is “1”.
Enables distributed dialog profiles and specifies the backend that should be used by the CacheDB interface.
Default value is “empty”.
Example 1.39. Set cachedb_url
... modparam("dialog", "cachedb_url", "redis://") ...
Specifies what prefix should be added to the profiles with value when they are inserted into CacheDB backed. This is only used when distributed profiles are enabled.
Default value is “dlg_val_”.
Example 1.40. Set profile_value_prefix
... modparam("dialog", "profile_value_prefix", "dlgv_") ...
Specifies what prefix should be added to the profiles without value when they are inserted into CacheDB backed. This is only used when distributed profiles are enabled.
Default value is “dlg_noval_”.
Example 1.41. Set profile_no_value_prefix
... modparam("dialog", "profile_no_value_prefix", "dlgnv_") ...
Specifies what prefix should be added to the entity that holds the profiles with value size in CacheDB backed. This is only used when distributed profiles are enabled.
Default value is “dlg_size_”.
Example 1.42. Set profile_size_prefix
... modparam("dialog", "profile_size_prefix", "dlgs_") ...
The function creats the dialog for the currently processed request. The request must be an initial request. Optionally,the function also receives a string parameter, which specifies whether the dialog end-points should be pinged via SIP options messages. The parameter can be "P" to specify to only ping the caller, "p" to only ping the callee or "Pp" to ping both dialog sides. If the extra string parameter is provided and one end-point fails to respond to a options ping, OpenSIPS will terminate the dialog from the middle. The string parameter can also contain "B" to activate the bye on timeout behavior.
The function returns true if the dialog was successfully created or if the dialog was previously created.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1.44. create_dialog()
... create_dialog(); ... #ping caller create_dialog("P"); ... #ping caller and callee create_dialog("Pp"); #bye on timeout create_dialog("B"); ...
This function is to be used to match a sequential (in-dialog) request to an existing dialog. In other words, the function will try to match the current request to an known ongoing dialog.
The function tries to use (for dialog matching) the DID (Dialog ID) from Route header and also falls back to SIP-wise matching.
As sequential requests are automatically matched to the dialog when doing "loose_route()" from script, this function is intended to: (A) control the place in your script where the dialog matching is done and (B) to cope with bogus sequential requests that do not have Route headers, so they are not handled by loose_route().
The function returns true if a dialog exists for the request.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1.45. match_dialog()
... if (has_totag()) { loose_route(); if ($DLG_status==NULL && !match_dialog() ) { xlog(" cannot match request to a dialog \n"); } } ...
The function checks the current received requests against the dialog (internal data) it belongs to. Performing several tests, the function will help to detect the bogus injected in-dialog requests (like malicious BYEs).
The performed tests are related to CSEQ sequance checking and routing information checking (contact and route set).
The function returns true if a dialog exists for the request and if the request is valid (according to dialog data). If the request is invalid, the following return codes are returned :
-1 - invalid cseq
-2 - invalid remote target
-3 - invalid route set
-4 - other errors ( parsing, no dlg, etc )
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1.46. validate_dialog()
... if (has_totag()) { loose_route(); if ($DLG_status!=NULL && !validate_dialog() ) { xlog(" in-dialog bogus request \n"); } else { xlog(" in-dialog valid request - $DLG_dir !\n"); } } ...
The function forces an in dialog SIP message to contain the ruri, route headers and dst_uri, as specified by the internal data of the dialog it belongs to. The function will prevent the existence of bogus injected in-dialog requests ( like malicious BYEs )
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1.47. fix_route_dialog()
... if (has_totag()) { loose_route(); if ($DLG_status!=NULL) if (!validate_dialog()) fix_route_dialog(); } ...
The function extracts a dialog value from another dialog - it search through all existing (ongoing) dialogs for a dialog that has a dialog variable named "key" with the value "key_val" (so a dialog where $dlg_val(key)=="key_val") - once found, it return in pvar "var" the value of the the dialog variable "attr" from the found dialog.
NOTE: the function does not require to be called in the context of a dialog - you can use it whenever / whereever for searching for other dialogs.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
attr - the name of the dialog variable (from the found dialog) to be returned;
var - a pvar where to store the value of the "attr" dialog variable
key - name of a dialog variable to be used a search key (when looking after the target dialog)
key_val - the value of the dialog variable that is used as key in searching the target dialog.
Example 1.48. get_dialog_info
... if ( get_dialog_info("callee","$var(x)","caller","$fu") ) { xlog("caller $fU has another ongoing, talking to callee $var(x)\n") } # create dialog for current call and place the caller and callee attributes create_dialog(); $dlg_val(caller) = $fu; $dlg_val(callee) = $ru; ...
Inserts the current dialog into a profile. Note that the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded. Also, there is no check for inserting the same dialog in the same profile for multiple times.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
profile - name of the profile to be added to;
value (optional) - string value to define the belonging of the dialog to the profile - note that the profile must support values. Pseudo-variables are supported.
Example 1.49. set_dlg_profile
... set_dlg_profile("inbound_call"); set_dlg_profile("caller","$fu"); ...
Removes the current dialog from a profile.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
profile - name of the profile to be removed from;
value (optional) - string value to define the belonging of the dialog to the profile - note that the profile must support values. Pseudo-variables are supported.
This function can be used from BRANCH_ROUTE, REPLY_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Example 1.50. unset_dlg_profile
... unset_dlg_profile("inbound_call"); unset_dlg_profile("caller","$fu"); ...
Checks if the current dialog belongs to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - if the dialog was inserted into the profile for a specific value. If not value is passed, only simply belonging of the dialog to the profile is checked. Note that the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
profile - name of the profile to be checked against;
value (optional) - string value to toughen the check. Pseudo-variables are supported.
Example 1.51. is_in_profile
... if (is_in_profile("inbound_call")) { log("this request belongs to a inbound call\n"); } ... if (is_in_profile("caller","XX")) { log("this request belongs to a call of user XX\n"); } ...
Returns the number of dialogs belonging to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - how many dialogs were inserted into the profile with a specific value. If not value is passed, only simply belonging of the dialog to the profile is checked. Note that the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
profile - name of the profile to get the size for;
value (optional) - string value to toughen the check. Pseudo-variables are supported;
size - an AVP or script variable to return the profile size in.
Example 1.52. get_profile_size
... get_profile_size("inbound_call","$avp(size)"); xlog("currently there are $avp(size) inbound calls\n"); ... get_profile_size("caller","$fu"); xlog("currently, the user %fu has $avp(size) active outgoing calls\n"); ...
Sets the dialog flag index idx to true. The dialog flags are dialog persistent and they can be accessed (set and test) for all requests belonging to the dialog.
The flag index can be between 0 and 31.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Atomically checks if the dialog flag index idx is equal to value. If true, changes the value with the oppsosite one. This operation is done under the dialog lock.
The flag index can be between 0 and 31.
The value should be 0 (false) or 1 (true).
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Resets the dialog flag index idx to false. The dialog flags are dialog persistent and they can be accessed (set and test) for all requests belonging to the dialog.
The flag index can be between 0 and 31.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Returns true if the dialog flag index idx is set. The dialog flags are dialog persistent and they can be accessed (set and test) for all requests belonging to the dialog.
The flag index can be between 0 and 31.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Example 1.56. is_dlg_flag_set
... if (is_dlg_flag_set("16")) { xlog("dialog flag 16 is set\n"); } ...
Attaches to the dialog the value val under the name name. The values attached to dialogs are dialog persistent and they can be accessed (read and write) for all requests belonging to the dialog.
Parameter val may contain pseudo-variables.
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Same functionality may be obtain by assigning a value to pseudo variable $dlg_val(name).
Example 1.57. store_dlg_value
... store_dlg_value("inv_src_ip","$si"); store_dlg_value("account type","prepaid"); # or $dlg_val("account_type") = "prepaid"; ...
Fetches from the dialog the value of attribute named name. The values attached to dialogs are dialog persistent and they can be accessed (read and write) for all requests belonging to the dialog.
Parameter pvar may be a script var ($var) or and avp ($avp).
NOTE: the dialog must be created before using this function (use create_dialog() function before).
Same functionality may be obtain by reading the pseudo variable $dlg_val(name).
Example 1.58. fetch_dlg_value
... fetch_dlg_value("inv_src_ip","$avp(2)"); fetch_dlg_value("account type","$var(account)"); # or $var(account) = $dlg_val("account_type"); ...
Dialog module can also do a small overhead topology hiding. By calling this function on an initial Invite, for the current dialog, the modules will hide the topology, meaning that it will strip and restore all the Via, Record-Route and Route headers and it will replace the contact with the IP address of the interface where the request was received.
You must note however, that the detection of the future in-dialog requests(BYE, reInvite, etc.) for these dialogs on which topology hiding is applied, is not done automatically. Without topology hiding and only normal dialog, the detection was done when loose_route was called. But now, for this dialogs where topology hiding is applied, the in dialog requests reaching OpenSIPS won't have any Route headers and the RURI will point to OpenSIPS machine. So, to be able to match the in-dialog requests to the corresponding dialog, a script function must be called. It's name is match_dialog and you can read it's description above. The in-dialog topology requests are requests with a to tag, RURI pointing to opensips and with a method specific to a Invite dialog. For this kind of requests you should call match_dialog() function. If a dialog is found the function returns success.
The great advantage of using the topology hiding functionality built inside dialog module is that you can use all the dialog modules functionalities: profiles, dialog variables, dialog timeouts, etc..
Optionally,the function also receives a string parameter, which holds string flags. Current options for the string flags are :
U - Propagate the Username in the Contact header URI
Example 1.59. topology_hiding
... if(!has_totag() && is_method("INVITE")) { topology_hiding(); } ... ... if(!has_totag() && is_method("INVITE")) { topology_hiding("U"); } ...
Example 1.60. calling match_dialog() function for topology hiding sequential requests
... if (has_totag() && (uri == myself) && is_method("INVITE|ACK|BYE|UPDATE") if(match_dialog()) { xlog(" in-dialog topology hiding request - $DLG_dir\n"); route(1); exit; } } ...
Returns the total number of processed dialogs (terminated, expired or active) from the startup.
Lists the description of the dialogs (calls). If no paramter is given, all dialogs will be listed. If a dialog identifier is passed as paramter (callid and fromtag), only that dialog will be listed. If a index and conter parameter is passed, it will list only a number of "counter" dialogs starting with index (as offset) - this is used to get only section of dialogs.
Name: dlg_list
Parameters (with dialog idetification):
callid (optional) - callid if a single dialog to be listed.
from_tag (optional, but cannot be present without the callid paramter) - fromtag (as per initial request) of the dialog to be listed. entry
Parameters (with dialog counting):
index - offset where the dialog listing should start.
counter - how many dialogs should be listed (starting from the offset)
MI FIFO Command Format:
:dlg_list:_reply_fifo_file_ _empty_line_
:dlg_list:_reply_fifo_file_ abcdrssfrs122444@ AAdfeEFF33
:dlg_list:_reply_fifo_file_ 40 10
The same as the “dlg_list” but including in the dialog description the associated context from modules sitting on top of the dialog module.
Name: dlg_list_ctx
Parameters: see “dlg_list”
MI FIFO Command Format:
:dlg_list_ctx:_reply_fifo_file_ _empty_line_
Terminates an ongoing dialog. If dialog is established, BYEs are sent in both directions. If dialog is in unconfirmed or early state, a CANCEL will be sent to the callee side, that will trigger a 487 from the callee, which, when relayed, will also end the dialog on the caller's side.
Name: dlg_end_dlg
h_entry - hash entry of the dialog in the internal dialog table
h_id - hash id of the dialog on the hash entry
extra_hdrs - (optional) string containg extra headers (full format) to be added to the BYE requests.
The values for the h_entry and h_id can be get via the dlg_list MI command.
MI FIFO Command Format:
:dlg_end_dlg:_reply_fifo_file_ 342 56 _empty_line_
Returns the number of dialogs belonging to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - how many dialogs were inserted into the profile with a specific value. If not value is passed, only simply belonging of the dialog to the profile is checked. Note that the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded.
Name: profile_get_size
profile - name of the profile to get the value for.
value (optional)- string value to toughen the check;
MI FIFO Command Format:
:profile_get_size:_reply_fifo_file_ inbound_calls _empty_line_
Lists all the dialogs belonging to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - list only the dialogs that were inserted into the profile with that specific value. If not value is passed, all dialogs belonging to the profile will be listed. Note that the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded. Also, when using shared profiles using the CacheDB interface, this command will only display the local dialogs.
Name: profile_list_dlgs
profile - name of the profile to list the dialog for.
value (optional)- string value to toughen the check;
MI FIFO Command Format:
:profile_list_dlgs:_reply_fifo_file_ inbound_calls _empty_line_
Lists all the values belonging to a profile along with their count. If the profile does not support values a total count will be returned. Note that this function does not work for shared profiles over the CacheDB interface.
Name: profile_get_values
profile - name of the profile to list the dialog for.
MI FIFO Command Format:
:profile_get_values:_reply_fifo_file_ inbound_calls _empty_line_
Will synchronize the information about the dialogs from the database with the OpenSIPS internal memory. To be used mainly for transfering OpenSIPS dialog information from one server to another.
Name: dlg_db_sync
It takes no parameters
MI FIFO Command Format:
:dlg_db_sync:_reply_fifo_file_ _empty_line_
Restores the dialog table after a potential desynchronization event. The table is truncated, then populated with CONFIRMED dialogs from memory.
Name: dlg_restore_db
It takes no parameters
MI FIFO Command Format:
:dlg_restore_db:_reply_fifo_file_ _empty_line_
Returns the status of the dialog corresponding to the processed sequential request. This PV will be available only for sequential requests, after doing loose_route().
Value may be:
NULL - Dialog not found.
1 - Dialog unconfirmed (created but no reply received at all)
2 - Dialog in early state (created provisional reply received, but no final reply received yet)
3 - Confirmed by a final reply but no ACK received yet.
4 - Confirmed by a final reply and ACK received.
5 - Dialog ended.
Returns the duration (in seconds) of the dialog corresponding to the processed sequential request. The duration is calculated from the dialog confirmation and the current moment. This PV will be available only for sequential requests, after doing loose_route().
NULL will be returned if there is no dialog for the request.
Returns the dialog flags array (as a single interger value) of the dialog corresponding to the processed sequential request. This PV will be available only for sequential requests, after doing loose_route().
NULL will be returned if there is no dialog for the request.
Returns the direction of the request in dialog (as "UPSTREAM" or "DOWNSTREAM" string) - to be used for sequential request. This PV will be available only for sequential requests (on replies), after doing loose_route().
NULL will be returned if there is no dialog for the request.
Returns the id of the dialog corresponding to the processed sequential request. The output format is entry ':' id (as returned by the dlg_list MI function). This PV will be available only for sequential requests, after doing loose_route().
NULL will be returned if there is no dialog for the request.
Returns the reason for the dialog termination. It can be one of the following :
Upstream BYE - Callee has sent a BYE
Downstream BYE - Caller has sent a BYE
Lifetime Timeout - Dialog lifetime expired
MI Termination - Dialog ended via the MI interface
Ping Timeout - Dialog ended because no reply to in-dialog pings
RTPProxy Timeout - Media timeout signaled by RTPProxy
NULL will be returned if there is no dialog for the request, or if the dialog is not ended in the current context.
Register a new callback to the dialog.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
struct dlg_cell* dlg - dialog to register callback to. If maybe NULL only for DLG_CREATED callback type, which is not a per dialog type.
int type - types of callbacks; more types may be register for the same callback function; only DLG_CREATED must be register alone. Possible types:
DLG_CREATED - called when a new dialog is created - it's a global type (not associated to any dialog)
DLG_FAILED - called when the dialog was negatively replied (non-2xx) - it's a per dialog type.
DLG_CONFIRMED - called when the dialog is confirmed (2xx replied) - it's a per dialog type.
DLG_REQ_WITHIN - called when the dialog matches a sequential request - it's a per dialog type.
DLG_TERMINATED - called when the dialog is terminated via BYE - it's a per dialog type.
DLG_EXPIRED - called when the dialog expires without receiving a BYE - it's a per dialog type.
DLGCB_EARLY - called when the dialog is created in an early state (18x replied) - it's a per dialog type.
DLGCB_RESPONSE_FWDED - called when the dialog matches a reply to the initial INVITE request - it's a per dialog type.
DLGCB_RESPONSE_WITHIN - called when the dialog matches a reply to a subsequent in dialog request - it's a per dialog type.
DLGCB_MI_CONTEXT - called when the mi dlg_list_ctx command is invoked - it's a per dialog type.
dialog_cb cb - callback function to be called. Prototype is: “void (dialog_cb) (struct dlg_cell* dlg, int type, struct dlg_cb_params * params); ”
void *param - parameter to be passed to the callback function.
param_free callback_param_free - callback function to be called to free the param. Prototype is: “void (param_free_cb) (void *param);”
3.1. | What happend with “use_tight_match” parameter? |
The parameter was removed with version 1.3 as the option of tight matching became mandatory and not configurable. Now, the tight matching is done all the time (when using DID matching). | |
3.2. | What happend with “bye_on_timeout_flag” parameter? |
The parameter was removed in a dialog module parameter restructuring. To keep the bye on timeout behavior, you need to provide a "B" string parameter to the create_dialog() function. | |
3.3. | What happend with “dlg_flag” parameter? |
The parameter is considered obsolete. The only way to create a dialog is to call the create_dialog() function | |
3.4. | Where can I find more about OpenSIPS? |
Take a look at | |
3.5. | Where can I post a question about this module? |
First at all check if your question was already answered on one of our mailing lists:
E-mails regarding any stable OpenSIPS release should be sent to
If you want to keep the mail private, send it to
| |
3.6. | How can I report a bug? |
Please follow the guidelines provided at: |