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Downloads -> Get OpenSIPS

Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Release files from WEB site
  2. 2. Packages
  3. 3. GIT
  4. 4. Docker
  5. 5. Ansible

OpenSIPS download area

Currently supported stable releases: 3.5.4, 3.4.11 LTS.
Current development version is the master git branch.

1.  Release files from WEB site

For the latest stable releases, the tarballs with sources may be downloaded directly from the project web site:


Or you can browse all the available versions (tarballs with sources):


2.  Packages

Thanks to several maintainers, OpenSIPS packages for certain Operating System/Distributions are available for download also:

3.  GIT

GIT clone of development head version 3.6.x (MASTER):

   # git clone --recursive https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips.git opensips-head

GIT clone of latest stable release (3.5):

   # git clone --recursive https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips.git -b 3.5 opensips-3.5

GIT clone of stable LTS release (3.4):

   # git clone --recursive https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips.git -b 3.4 opensips-3.4

Important: for developers, it is recommended to use the SSH git URL:

   git clone --recursive git@github.com:OpenSIPS/opensips.git opensips_head

4.  Docker

Docker-ized versions of OpenSIPS can be found on Docker Hub. You can pull the latest OpenSIPS docker image using:

    docker pull opensips/opensips

Older versions are also available starting from OpenSIPS 2.2. You can pull the associated using:

    docker pull opensips/opensips:$VERSION

5. Ansible

An Ansible role for OpenSIPS is available on Ansible Galaxy. You can install the role using:

     ansible-galaxy install razvancrainea.opensips 

Page last modified on February 19, 2025, at 05:18 PM