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Development -> Contributing

OpenSIPS is an open source project with a very encouraging policy regarding contributions from any developer.

Any contribution must:

  • be largely explained and documented
  • not break existing functionalities
  • not break any standard (only with very good reasons :))

Any contribution may be subject to (from the project developers side):

  • modification or rework (for a better fitting in the existing code)
  • rejection (quality, integration, concepts, design considerations)
  • acceptance :)

If you submit a contribution regarding:

  • core => the overview will be done by the core developers
  • an existing module => the overview will be done by the module maintainer(s) or core developers
  • a new module => the overview will be done by the core developers

Contributions can be :

The time for overviewing any new contribution is to be below 1 month.

Page last modified on May 14, 2013, at 02:05 PM